Bernie Sanders’ Staffers Have Peace Protesters ARRESTED Outside Office

From Due Dissidence:

Keaton Weiss and Russell Dobular report on the arrests of Code Pink activists ordered by Senator Bernie Sanders’ staffers.  Code Pink was on Capitol Hill yesterday trying to lobby members of Congress to support a negotiated peace and end US funding of the war in Ukraine.

The hosts of the excellent podcast Due Dissidence explained how the pro-peace and pro-war politics have shifted 180 degrees, with more conservatives now supporting ending the wars and liberals becoming the hawks.

7 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders’ Staffers Have Peace Protesters ARRESTED Outside Office”

  1. Bernie was always a fraud. He was a 2nd Amendment supporter until he wasn’t. He was antiwar until he wasn’t. He claims to be a socialist yet he’s a multi-millionaire. Anyone who ever supported him got played for a fool.

  2. Bernie Sanders stabbed his former supporters in the back. Some of the people arrested for protesting by his office supported his campaign for president and senator. He was elected to be an antiwar leader and now he is an antiwar misleader. I’ve seen Sanders bumper stickers saying “Feel The Bern”. There should be bumper stickers saying, “We’ve Been Berned”.

  3. “Bernie Sanders’ staffers”. So that’s how Bernie Sanders himself is washed clean, the best that leftists can do during the circumstances. It’s not “the arrests of activists ordered by Bernie Sanders”.

  4. The Pentagon spent $349.5 million on private sector contracts in Vermont in 2021. No wonder Sanders supports Ukraine: Big money is free speech. Diplomacy not so much.

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