The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Is Catastrophic

Any resumption of fighting will be a disaster and a death sentence for a huge number of Palestinian civilians.

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The Israeli government is vowing to resume the war in Gaza:

“In recent days I’ve heard a question: Will Israel return to fighting after this stage of returning our hostages is over? My response is an unequivocal yes,” the premier [Netanyahu] says. “There is no way we won’t return to fighting until the end.”

The Biden administration is reportedly asking the Israeli government to fight the war in a “more targeted” way in the future, but there is no reason to expect that Netanyahu and his coalition allies will pay any attention to this. The U.S. isn’t trying to use any leverage to pressure them, and the Israeli government knows that it will face no consequences if it ignores this request. A few senators are finally entertaining the idea of putting conditions on US assistance to Israel, but it is hard to imagine that this administration would ever do that. Regardless, the people of Gaza need an end to the war and not just a “more targeted” continuation of it.

Any resumption of fighting will be a disaster and a death sentence for a huge number of Palestinian civilians. The current pause in fighting must not be allowed to end. Humanitarian conditions in Gaza are extraordinarily bad and getting worse. According to the U.N. relief coordinator, Martin Griffiths, the conditions there are the worst he has ever seen in his career. The Guardian reported yesterday that UN officials are warning that the death toll from disease may soon exceed the death toll from bombing:

“It is not just the hospitals, everybody everywhere has dire health needs now, because they are starving, because they lack clean water, they are crowded together, they are in terror so they have massive mental health needs. And there is a continuing rise in outbreaks of infections disease,” [WHO spokesperson] Harris said.

“Eventually, we will see more people dying from disease than we are even seeing from the bombardment, if we are not able to put back this health system and provide the basics of life. Food, water, medicines and of course fuel to operate hospitals.”

Diarrhea increased by 45 times compared with the same period last year, and other communicable diseases, from respiratory infections to hygiene issues such as lice, have risen, she said, but people had little hope of getting treatment.

Read the rest of the article at Eunomia

Daniel Larison is a contributing editor for and maintains his own site at Eunomia. He is former senior editor at The American Conservative. He has been published in the New York Times Book Review, Dallas Morning News, World Politics Review, Politico Magazine, Orthodox Life, Front Porch Republic, The American Scene, and Culture11, and was a columnist for The Week. He holds a PhD in history from the University of Chicago, and resides in Lancaster, PA. Follow him on Twitter.

16 thoughts on “The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Is Catastrophic”

  1. What is the ICC waiting for? Why can’t they start bringing charges of Genocide? Why can’t they at least publicly list those who will be charged for their War Crimes, like Netanyahu, Biden, Blinken, anyone who has sent money/weapons to Israel? The world is full of injustice, it is always the innocent defenseless people, who are targeted, killed and not just in Palestine. The ICC needs to do it’s job and with the livestreaming of the Genocide against Palestinians in real time, what are they waiting for? Humans around the world want this Genocide to STOP!

  2. “More targeted”. What a f*cking joke. If the UN meant anything, it would send in troops from the gathered nations to stop it. Alas, the UN is just a facade. For nothing. The UN should expel those nations contributing to the genocide. Alas, another nothing……………….for the remaining Palestinians, the latest in tent design will be graciously donated for the newest population of Sinai. Desert, that is.

    1. The genocide in Gaza will be much quicker than any other genocide that’s happened in the history of the world. Netanyahu and Biden are the world’s biggest warmongers. They make other warmongers look peaceful.
      The US as well as Israel voted against the creation of the ICC. The ICC is only useful to them when it prosecutes their enemies and frenemies.

      1. I had to dump my last share due to complications.

        Jan. 24, 2009 *How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas* Moshav Tekuma, Israel

        Surveying the wreckage of a neighbor’s bungalow hit by a Palestinian rocket, retired Israeli official Avner Cohen traces the missile’s trajectory back to an “enormous, stupid mistake” made 30 years ago.

        Jul 4, 2012 Hamas, An Israeli Creation

        Ron Paul alludes to the fact that Israel helped to spawn Hamas in order to weaken the then immensely popular and secular PLO.

        1. Could have also been a means of embedding Mossad actors into the Hamas organization? To spy or to influence?

          1. Not a chance. The Pentagon specialization is these actors and setup’s globally. This read will give you great insights away from Americas msm Pravda.

            September 17, 2022 The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II

            This carefully researched article by James A. Lucas documents the more than 20 million lives lost resulting from US led wars, military coups and intelligence ops carried out in the wake of what is euphemistically called the “post-war era” (1945- ). The extensive loss of life in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine and Libya is not included in this study.


      2. I had to dump my last share due to complications.

        Jan. 24, 2009 *How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas* Moshav Tekuma, Israel

        Surveying the wreckage of a neighbor’s bungalow hit by a Palestinian rocket, retired Israeli official Avner Cohen traces the missile’s trajectory back to an “enormous, stupid mistake” made 30 years ago.

        Jul 4, 2012 Hamas, An Israeli Creation

        Ron Paul alludes to the fact that Israel helped to spawn Hamas in order to weaken the then immensely popular and secular PLO.

  3. UN officials are warning that the death toll from disease may soon exceed the death toll from bombing

    Which is exactly what Israel wants.

  4. USA Admiral Thomas Moorer: I’ve never seen a President – I don’t care who he is – stand up to them. It just boggles your mind.
    1981: Israel Prime Minister Menachem Begin promised Ronald Reagan that he would not lobby against the proposed sale of AWACS aircraft to Saudi Arabia. Begin then went up to Capital Hill and told a Senate panel that he opposed the deal. (The Israel Lobby, John Mearsheimer, P-37, #72)

    1. He did more than say he opposed it. He said Israel would not “allow” it. I was a teenager at the time, and that particular statement from him, shown on the evening network news, was the first thing that got me interested in the Israel/Palestine situation at all. I wanted to know what this Israel thing was that thought it got to “allow” or “not allow” the US to do things, seeing as how I’d been brought up on the usual post-WW2 diet of “the US can do ANYTHING IT WANTS.”

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