EU Freakout: ‘BAN Tucker Carlson Over Putin Interview!’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Showing their disdain for journalism and fear of losing control of the narrative, leading EU politicians are calling for a travel ban on journalist Tucker Carlson over an interview he will release with Russian president Putin. And the interview is not even out yet! Also today: Rare failure of Israel funding bill in the House and McConnell losing control of Senate Republicans.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

6 thoughts on “EU Freakout: ‘BAN Tucker Carlson Over Putin Interview!’”

  1. I despise Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin but the EU should not ban him from travelling to the EU Countries for his interview with Putin.
    I agree with Carlson that the war in Ukraine should end and it’s Biden’s fault.

    1. I don’t get it either. Unless he did something strange like cross an EU border into Russia under false pretenses (like maybe told them he was there for a vacation instead of journalism–not that he’s actually a journalist). I mean, banning him gives TC way more gravitas than he deserves.

  2. I am not a Tucker Carlson fan, but his interview with Putin was needed. Mr Biden could end the fiasco today.

  3. What is not being said and what is painfully obvious is the comparison between Putin to Biden. Biden is a mean old senile man, corrupt also. Putin is an intellectual with a firm grasp of history and the failings of communism. What I got from the interview is that the CIA has never recognized the sovereignty of other countries or the rights of its own citizens, like hacking Carlson’s Signal account. Some day the CIA will have to be dismantled and the FBI decimated (in the original definition of decimation). Putin could have referred to Seymour Hersh for the Nordstream truth. Putin could have reminded the world of the 20+ million dead that Russia sacrificed fighting fascism. Still a big win for peace and freedom and bad news for genocidal maniacs like Israel.

    1. “Some day the CIA will have to be dismantled and the FBI decimated”

      Dismantle both the CIA and the FBI. The FBI has always served as the political police for whoever controls the Federal government. All that stuff about chasing car thieves across state lines is just a cover story.

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