25 thoughts on “Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin: Full Video”

  1. Clearly Putin should know that a Western audience would glaze over at a history lesson. In Eastern Nations they are par for the course. Believe it or not even the normal every day people often expound on history, I know strange right?

    Our audience is more Idocracy than he’s used to I’m sure. I can hear half the punditry class now, He sounded like a “fag”, why does he talk like that?? Can’t we send him to rehabilitation?

    Next time he should keep the conversation to grunts and maybe some fart noises, that’s more the American style.

  2. Keith Woods nailed it. From Twitter:

    “Watching the Putin interview and just thinking what a missed opportunity it was for him,” Woods said. “Tucker’s audience is willing to hear an honest case based on national sovereignty and mutual respect and instead get a long history lecture, a very abstract case for Russian revanchism, and boomer nonsense about the West being sympathetic to Nazism.”

    Putin has no idea how to talk to a Western audience. If you start a war you can only justify it by saving civilians. Specifically, women and children since men don’t count.

    What he SHOULD have said was that Donbass had been shelled for seven years before the war, with 14,000 dead and more than 100,000 driven from their homes, taken care of by Russia.

    And that in the fall 2021 the shellings increased from 20 to about 100 per day, and then in February 2022 to more than 1,000 per day, even up to 2,000, while Zelensky had gathered an invasion army of 60,000 men in the east. Before Russia finally intervened. Which they did in accordance with the UN rule about emergency interventions.

    Not “Didya know what a long history we have together? Therefore we have the right to take back Ukraine,” which is what his long speech sounded like. And everyone will assume that that “long history” was Russia running Ukraine like a province.

    And it’s ridiculous to talk about “nazis!” when Zelensky is A JEW.

    The Wagner Group is named that way because the founder was – an actual nazist. With SS tattoos. Who took the callsign “Wagner” as that was Hitler’s favorite composer. There are Hitler-admiring nationalists on both sides on this war. But none of them are in power.

    “But Stepan Bandera.” The man who the Germans PUT IN A CONCENTRATION CAMP? Because he was killing Polish civilians. They let him out two years later to fight the Soviets, but once again he and his men went off to kill Poles, against German wishes.

    Zelensky has condemned all followers of Stepan Bandera. And they have zero seats in parliament. The only nationalist seat belongs to the more mainstream Svoboda party. One seat.

    Even if you manage to make Westerners think “Stepan Bandera followers are Nazis” it doesn’t matter when the president is a Jew, and he and his U.S. backers have obviously been able to keep them from taking power for all this time. (Which they don’t want to do – the leaders sold out to the globalists. The 2014 coup was condemned by almost every nationalist party in Europe, while being praised by the socialist parties.)

    And it doesn’t matter when it is Russia that has banned all homosexual propaganda, while Ukraine has legalized homosexual “Pride” parades. Which side is the more nazist one? Everyone knows that given time Ukraine will be Cultural Marxist, just like Poland will be.

    1. Yes, he is wrong. It is not about warmongering, it is about an unavoidable competition between China and USA. USA can have Russia as an ally against possible geopolitical ambitions of China but not as an ally in a war against China.
      Hypothetically, it is possible only in case if China itself starts a war against Russia which looks, at the moment, absurd. Improving relations between USA and Russia is a step to a well balanced multipolar world. Once it is established, the main geopolitical players may start a serous talk about demilitarization, climate problems etc.
      The accusations of racism look exaggerated. Maybe Tucker was a real racist some 30 years ago. Now, even if he is, it is not a great problem, he is a reasonable and mature man. Obviously, he understand that being openly racist is counterproductive in modern politics. On the other hand, the plain fact is that the global south is getting stronger and white race nations are getting comparatively weaker. In 50 years we will have a completely different world. Now it is a time to protect our white race historical and cultural heritage.

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