Israeli Government Starves Palestinians in Gaza

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

If you’re like me, you subscribe to news services like the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, and Reuters, which send daily news reports and quick highlights. Given the busy pace of life, most people probably read those headlines and short summaries and little else. The mainstream media is counting on that.

Consider this quick summary I received today from Reuters’ “Daily Briefing”:


  • More than five months into Israel’s ground and air campaign, launched in response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, there are widespread shortages of food, medicines and clean water in Gaza, doctors and aid agencies say. Starving children fill hospital wards as famine looms.

Note the framing here. It’s a war between Israel and Hamas, with history beginning on October 7, 2023. Most of all, note how widening famine is described: it’s just happening, apparently due to a war that Hamas started.

You’re not told that the famine is man-made. That the Israeli government is blocking thousands of trucks loaded with food, medicine, and clean water for Gaza. Instead, you’re encouraged to think it’s much like a natural disaster, if not entirely the fault of Hamas, which allegedly started all the trouble on October 7th.

Sorry, kid: the Israeli government won’t let the aid trucks roll. Blame Hamas!

If challenged to write my own summary for Reuters, I’d pen something like this:

Israeli government policies are producing mass famine in Gaza. Israel has already killed or wounded more than 100,000 Palestinians since the October 7th Hamas attacks. An Israeli blockade on most aid to Gaza promises death tolls in the hundreds of thousands over the next few months. Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to send weapons to Israel while providing diplomatic cover in the UN, making it complicit in genocide.

We see similar narrative elision with the Russia-Ukraine War, which in the mainstream media is all the fault of Vladimir Putin, who woke up in February 2022 and decided to invade Ukraine because he’s a power-hungry maniac, a new Hitler – or worse. Meanwhile, Putin blew up his own highly profitable Nordstream pipelines, or maybe a rogue element from Ukraine did it. Who can tell, right?

Dishonest and disingenuous reporting is facilitating genocide in Gaza and a horrendous war in Ukraine that is hollowing out that country. In each case, what we’re supposed to focus on is something else: the crimes of Hamas and the alleged megalomania of Putin.

Gaza is especially egregious since a genocide is in progress there, enabled and empowered by massive weapons shipments from the United States to Israel. But I guess there’s nothing we can do to help those starving Palestinian children “as famine looms.” I guess we can construct a temporary pier that will take two or three months to build; I hope the starving children can hold on that long. Whether that pier will facilitate relief efforts or serve mainly as a Trojan horse to evacuate Palestinians from Gaza (ethnic cleansing by the boat load) remains to be seen.

William J. Astore is a retired lieutenant colonel (USAF). He taught history for fifteen years at military and civilian schools. He writes at Bracing Views.

10 thoughts on “Israeli Government Starves Palestinians in Gaza”

  1. The starvation of Palestinians is a collaboration between the USA, EU, UK , Israel and we should not be surprised. The shock for me is that Arab/Muslim Nations are doing nothing, to force Israel to stop this war. Why is Blinken still allowed to visit any Arab/Muslim Nation, when they know he is a LYING Zionist. All Blinken does is LIE, Stall, so more Palestinians can die, he is a disgrace to the Human Race.

  2. Oh my gosh. This reminds me of pictures of Yemeni children. I don’t want to see their like again.

    Kushner wants to move them to the desert. With housing, maybe they’ll be fed there. Maybe they won’t die of thirst. Israel ostensibly and perhaps somewhat sincerely wants to destroy Hamas’s known leadership and retrieve the hostages. It could achieve those ends if Palestinians lacked those tunnels. Palestinians would be defenseless without them, and Israelis wouldn’t suffer further losses.

    But no one wants to pay the many billions it would cost to care for so many Palestinians in the desert. There’s always money for war but never much to care for them.

    1. The face of any suffering child, simply shows us the often abusive relationship between all of us and joy and happiness that is possible because who possibly could not love the face of our children…? Hmmm.

      1. Who could not? Israeli Zionists could not, certainly not Palestinian children maybe beyond, do not misunderstand the psychopathy of Zionism. These are smart, even brilliant if sick people, they understand their atrocities are creating future resistance fighters and terrorists, killing today’s children decreases those future numbers.

          1. Or the physical and mental disabilities that will be the result for those who survive near starvation.

          2. Yea. And that’s hugely significant.

            There’s been a significant IQ improvement, globally, due to nutrition. I remember Europeans believing we were superior, intellectually, and that doesn’t at all appear to be the case now. Nutrition was the difference. Genetics can vary, but nutrition and other factors can be significant too.

  3. Israel better wake up and smell the toast burning! Our Father has a definitive plan, for every contingency and Israel’s days are literally
    numbered. Pick a number Israel! My lucky number is 13. How many lucky strikes are left, in your bloody pack?! ;-👌🏻

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