Conflicts of Interest: Americans Believe WWIII to Break Out in Coming Decade

On COI #563, Kyle Anzalone breaks down the potential conflicts with Russia and China.

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12 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: Americans Believe WWIII to Break Out in Coming Decade”

  1. Well, it certainly seems likely but also avoidable, as we have been openly discussing here and again, it is relatively simple, in terms of how we get to war and why…

    1. Yea, just don’t declare war, don’t attack, and usually for the US that prevents war.

    1. During the Clinton administration. Billie Boy ignored the promise made to Russia not to allow NATO to expand “one inch East”, began the process of doing just that. And so, here we are.
      So it goes……….

  2. The current American government is working overtime trying to get US to WWIII. The problem is we have two parties under control of the Jewish Zionist lobby here in the US. This gives US a foreign policy that is counter to US interests. Not only in Gaza but Ukraine as well. The West gambled and lost in its attempt at global domination. The globalists behind the push to remove Putin from developing Russia. Stifle China’s economic growth and control the worlds resources has been stalled. by BRICS. Nations of the world seeing how the Wests banking system can be used to confiscate assets of others not in their group think have revolted. BRICS is expanding and others are waiting in the wings to join. The West has egg on its face. Ergo the push to WWIII. NUTS

  3. The sooner Joe Biden is retired to his garage in Delaware, the sooner the odds of this will go down.

      1. To some extent they do. Biden obeys, but Trump just gets tricked or sells out. The two are different.

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