Killing Fields of Rafah Become Political Nightmare for Biden

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

As the Israeli military moves into Rafah, the former “safe haven” for displaced Palestinians from elsewhere in Gaza, against the expressed wishes of the Biden Administration, a new poll shows how much Biden’s Israel policy is hurting him with voters. Does he have any moves? Also today: WHO “pandemic treaty” rears its ugly head. Can these authoritarians be stopped?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

7 thoughts on “Killing Fields of Rafah Become Political Nightmare for Biden”

  1. In other news. again, Israelis are blocking aid trucks. I am talking about Israeli citizens, just like Israeli mothers did a month ago. Being mothers, you would think that they have concern for the babies and young children of Palestinian mothers. Apparently not. The latest polls indicate 90% of the Israeli Jews are for the “war”, with more than 60% for the genocide. A light to the world??

  2. Yeah, he has moves. He’s going to continue to do what he’s doing. At this point I don’t even think he cares about the election, despite everyone assuming he does. Cantankerous old men – I am one, so I know what I’m talking about – don’t always do what people expect. They tend to say “I don’t give a shit” and continue on. It derives from despising everyone else – and there’s no doubt that Biden does despise the US population, just like every other politician.

  3. Most important, world events are eventually seen as US-centric issues. Most-recently, university protests are proving to be a challenge for Biden. The White House is ‘openly’ opposed to the invasion of Rafah. The tens of billions spent arming ISR could have an impact on the US election. Imagine the impact if the US were to officially acknowledge the 35,000 deaths!

    1. He IS NOT opposed to the invasion of Rafah. He knew MONTHS AGO that it was going to come down to this, the final steps to the “final solution”. He does not kid me. He just wants it to be over quickly so that the United States of Amnesia can forget, just like Protective Edge and Cast Lead were forgotten. The young adults on the campuses are on the right side of history and he knows it. There are righteous Jews who are on the right side of history.

  4. There was a movie called The Killing Fields about the Vietnam War or Pol Pot’s Regime in Cambodia. Someone could make a movie about the killing fields of Gaza and other places where Israel will go on its rampage.
    Biden is more interested in war than in re-election. He’s far more critical of Independent and Third Party Candidates than he is of Trump. He says they stand in his way of re-election.

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