Speaker Johnson Pushes for US Missiles Deep Into Russia

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Disappointment with Speaker Johnson continues, as yesterday he joined the neocon GOP push to green-light Ukraine to hit deep inside Russia with US-provided missiles. Meanwhile Russia has begun an exercise with its tactical nuclear weapons forces. What could go wrong? Also today: House GOP leaders are furious with some university presidents… because they DID NOT call on the cops to break heads in recent student protests.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

12 thoughts on “Speaker Johnson Pushes for US Missiles Deep Into Russia”

  1. Mike Johnson should have his head examined. He, Joe Biden, Lindsay Graham and other psychos make Bush, Obama, Trump etc wish they did the same things when they were POTUS.

    1. There’s probably some bonus for harming others, because we instinctively don’t want to harm. Carrot or the stick?

  2. It’s one thing to propose something because you’ll get approval from your constituents, quite another to do that even if it’s totally stupid and suicidal. Lindsay Graham syndrome.

  3. So Christian. Such a peace maker. Such an adherent to Jesus Christ. Such a phony, warmonger, liar.

    1. Under certain circumstances, nations do have a right to take up arms. But before doing so, nations have an obligation to see whether the cause meets the criteria for a just war. This is something Christians in America have been unwilling to do. They have been missing in action for decades.

  4. Looking back over the last few decades, maybe getting rid of Richard Nixon was not such a great idea.

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