Conflicts of Interest: How Long Does Israel Plan to Bomb Gaza?

On COI #604 Dave DeCamp joins Kyle Anzalone to discuss the Israeli onslaught in Gaza.

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19 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: How Long Does Israel Plan to Bomb Gaza?”

  1. Poor Israel, they are truly lost and they need to find their way and their are those on their way to give assistance to them, so they can find the peace, inside themselves, to help heal them and move them forward and then they and indeed we, can all finally enjoy some peace, eventually on Earth… Never enough of it but never too late…:-)

    1. "their are those on their way to give assistance to them, so they can find the peace"

      Yeah – the Axis of Resistance will give the Israelis the peace of the grave.

    2. Would you have expressed similar compassion for poor Germany when it was running extermination camps?

      1. Glad you brought up the camps. In recent history, has the deaths of others exterminated, the 5.5 million, been mentioned? The Germans kept records. Should we not know about them? Hannah Arendt's volume, "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" included facts about the German record-keeping.

  2. Simple answer to that question, but it's 2-part:
    1) Until all the Palestinians are dead or driven out, OR
    2) The Axis of Resistance destroys Israel and drives the US out of the Middle East.

    Israel will bomb Gaza until the last people there are dead and the last buildings and cemeteries are destroyed and all evidence anyone lived there before the settlers are destroyed.
    The West Bank will be next. There could be other places as well. Israel will get all the aid it wants from the US, Canada, the UK, the EU and some other countries.

    1. It’ll be interesting to see who defends the Saudis when Israel comes for them.

      1. Israel already coopted the Saudis. When the oil runs out, that slice of Arabia will be overthrowing the Saudi dynasty. Can you imagine your own country named for and ruled by one privileged tribe after the money dries up?

        1. Yemen is the truest champion of authentic Arab dignity on that peninsula today. House Saud attacks them because they know it.

          1. Mafiarabia is not diversifying their economy because they're deep green. They are diversifying because their easy oilfields are depleted.

          2. I cannot remember what year it was or what publication it was in, however, estimates of the oil deposits in SA were quite a bit lower than previously thought.

    2. Not after the US $ is conscientiously abandoned by most of the world and implodes.

  4. Yeah, the "as long as it takes" policy don't seems to work well when everything involved this late years

  5. May 21, 2024‘It’s Bisan From Gaza, Look At What U.S. Weapons Have Done’

    As Israel orders the evacuation of Rafah, many Palestinians are returning to their destroyed homes in Khan Younis after Israeli forces left the city on April 7. Bisan returns to Gaza’s second-largest city, which once had a population of around 400,000 people. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians sheltering in Khan Younis were forced to flee in February when Israeli forces besieged the city for months. Now, as Israel bombs Rafah, many Palestinians are being forced to evacuate back to Khan Younis.

  6. Israhell will continue genocide of Palestinians until US complicity ends.

    1. That is the problem. It will not end. The donor class, of which AIPAC is a member, runs this country. Any president that seeks peace, getting rid of nukes, terminating military contracts, terminating agreements with bad actors, will get the JFK treatment. I do not agree with everything Ron Paul says, however, when he called his assassination a coup, I am in full agreement. There are quite a few actors who wanted JFK gone, not the least of which may have been Israel. JFK and David Ben-Gurion, exchanged terse letters over Israel obtaining the bomb. JFK was dead set against it, reasoning that if Israel were to develop the bomb, Israel would become more belligerent in the ME, perhaps world wide. Johnson was a little more amenable in more ways than one. He proved it during the U.S.S. Liberty incident.

  7. How long? As long as President Bidette says so. We have to remember that he is no Eisenhower, who picked up a phone and said STOP! Then things stopped.

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