Candace Owens Interviews USS Liberty Attack Survivor

In 1967, an American Navy spy ship came under attack by Israeli fighter jets and torpedo boats.   The attack on the USS Liberty left 34 US sailors dead and 171 wounded.   Israel claimed (and most official US government sources agree) that it was a case of mistaken identity.   There is significant evidence to the contrary.

Candace Owens interviews one of the few living survivors of the attack, Phil Tourney.   It is a fascinating and illuminating interview that no one should miss.  In the first 24 hours of the release of the video, about 2 million people have viewed it on YouTube.

14 thoughts on “Candace Owens Interviews USS Liberty Attack Survivor”

  1. Lyndon Johnson was a coward. He had the U.S. Navy fighter jets that were on the way to turn around and not engage the Israeli jets and torpedo boats.
    To not" embarrass an ally".

    1. He was the Donald Trump and Joe Biden of his time. They would have done the same thing if they were the USA's Misleaders In Chief. Johnson would have handled the genocide in Gaza and other parts of the Middle East the same way as Biden is doing and Trump will be doing when he gets back in the WH.

  2. Mistaken identity? A oversized red, white and blue USA american's flag flew over the USS Liberty.
    President Lyndon Johnson made all crew members swear to secrecy.

    1. Sworn to secrecy or be prosecuted.
      What did Johnson say about the dead sailors?
      He basically said that he did not care about a few dead sailors, he did not want to embarrass an ally.
      He should have been impeached then summarily shot for treason.

  3. you are out of touch with true facts Candace!… you are wrong! and by the way, why shouldn’t Israel been filming or photographing the visit of Kennedy in Dallas, when every country and every paper and every news media were there?… get to know the real facts before you cause more havoc – i thought you were smarter than that!.. you are digging up old wounds cause by an unfortunate accident!..

  4. Since when is deliberate murder of US servicemen, "An unfortunate accident"? When the facts are they were doing this to blame on Arabs to start yet another war. This is an "MO" and has been used to start many wars. Iraq is an example and who is bombing Iran when Iran has done nothing to them directly? Sham on Lyndon B. Johnson, and was he being bribed by the same villains and war mongers who wanted to continue Vietnam like Gaza?

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