Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal: Next Evidentiary Video: Shock and Awe Episode 1

The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal is holding accountable – through video testimony of witnesses – U.S. weapons manufacturers who produce and sell products which attack and kill not only combatants but non-combatants as well. Each week the Tribunal issues a new video segment offering evidence of guilt for the commission of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

The next evidentiary video of the Tribunal is an examination of Shock and Awe, the brutal invasion and bombing campaign against the people of Iraq facilitated by the four defendants in this Tribunal: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon (RTX), and General Atomics. The evidence presented here and in the weeks ahead will prove that these four defendants aided and abetted the U.S. government in the commission of War Crimes against Iraq. Narrated by Kathy Kelly – who was there during the bombing- this video is compelling evidence of guilt.

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Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal: Mairead Maguire and Dr. Aisha Jumaan on Gaza, Yemen, and Opposing Endless Wars

The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal is holding accountable – through video testimony of witnesses – U.S. weapons manufacturers who produce and sell products which attack and kill not only combatants but non-combatants as well. Each week the Tribunal issues a new video segment offering evidence of guilt for the commission of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

The next evidentiary video of the Tribunal is a discussion with Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire and Yemeni-American Epidemiologist and Director of the Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation, Dr. Aisha Jumaan. These two Peacebuilders discuss the conflict in Gaza and Yemen, and the role of citizen-activists in nonviolently opposing Endless Wars and holding to account those responsible. Kathy Kelly facilitates this fascinating discussion.

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Next Evidentiary Video: A Tribute to John Pilger

“On May 16, 2023, the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal – a people’s tribunal organized to hold accountable United States weapons manufacturers for war crimes – interviewed the late John Pilger. As a legendary journalist exposing the crimes of governments and corporations across the globe, John Pilger was an essential witness to provide testimony to the Tribunal. During this interview, John spoke in depth about media propaganda, war, and the international arms trade.  A veteran journalist covering numerous wars and atrocities, John‘s insights and conclusions in this interview present a powerful indictment of imperialism while remaining a tireless voice for the victims.”

War for Profit: A Short History

The senseless slaughter of World War I began with the murder of a single man, a Crown Prince of a European empire whose name no one was particularly familiar with at the time. Archduke Franz Ferdinand Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria was the presumptive heir to the Austrian-Hungarian empire in June of 1914.

His assassin was a young Bosnian Serb student and the murder of the Crown Prince set off a cataclysmic series of events resulting in the deaths of over 20 million people, half of whom were civilians. An additional 20 million people were wounded.

Entire generations of young men from England, France, Russia, Austria, and Germany were lost. National economies were ruined. In economic terms, World War I caused the greatest global depression of the 20th century. Debts by all the major countries (except the USA) haunted the postwar economic world. Unemployment soared. Inflation increased, most dramatically in Germany where hyperinflation meant that a loaf of bread costs 200 million marks.

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Our Freedoms Shrink as Our Military Expands

The Merchants of Death even own our sidewalks. That’s what we were told when we arrived at Raytheon Technologies in Arlington, Virginia, on Valentine’s Day, February 14th, to issue a "Contempt Citation" for Raytheon’s failure to comply with a subpoena issued last November by the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal, a People’s Tribunal scheduled for November of 2023.

Raytheon knew we were coming. The police were waiting and would not permit us to enter the enormous building even though other businesses and a public restaurant resided inside. "You’re not allowed in," the police said. "The owner of the building said no to you." Others were free to enter for lunch or to conduct business. The officers were polite. Respectful. "We are only doing our job," they said, seeming more like a hired corporate police force than a public police force.

"And you cannot remain on the sidewalk," the police said. We responded that it was a public sidewalk. "Not anymore," the police said. "Raytheon bought the sidewalk. And the sidewalk across the street." When asked how a private corporation can buy a public sidewalk, the officers shrugged not knowing the answer. "You can move down there," they said, pointing to a corner across the busy street.

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