Interview with Jim Bovard

Today, from 4PM to 6PM Eastern, Scott Horton will be interviewing the great Jim Bovard, who has a new book, The Bush Betrayal. Scott will also interview Dr. No.
RBN’s “Listen Live” page contains enough live stream links to satisfy any system, so feel free to choose the most appropriate one for you.
We ran the first chapter of Bovard’s book, which is sensational. The simple, axiomatic truth of the first two sentences make me wonder how Bush can possibly be seen in public anymore. How can he campaign, how can he debate, how can he answer questions from the press, carrying this on his back:

“George W. Bush came to the presidency promising prosperity, peace, and humility. Instead, Bush has spawned record federal budget deficits, launched an unnecessary war, and made America the most hated nation in the world.”

Anyone want to argue with that? And yet he does campaign, he does answer questions from the press, he does debate, and in some polls, he seems to be leading. I’m not campaigning for the murderous Kerry here, but perhaps we need a child to come along and tell Bush he isn’t wearing any clothes.

“But he has nothing on at all,” cried at last the whole people. That made a deep impression upon the emperor, for it seemed to him that they were right; but he thought to himself, “Now I must bear up to the end.” And the chamberlains walked with still greater dignity, as if they carried the train which did not exist.

On second thought, perhaps the innocence of a child would not be enough to defeat ignorance on such a mass scale.

Eric Garris Interview

Eric Garris, Webmaster of, was interviewed on Saturday by radio host Scott Horton, aka Philip Dru: Administrator , for his new show. Eric took a few calls, and had spirited debates with a Vietnam vet, and someone who thinks that the U.N. wasn’t tough enough on Iraq. Eric also addresses the hot topic of Pat Buchanan’s TV persona/written words.
The interview can be heard by downloading the mp3, or copy-pasting it into the File/Play URL tab of any media player software, including, but not exclusive to WMP, RealPlayer, or Winamp. The bandwidth is 3.2k/sec, well within the limits of any dial-up connection. Also, check out Scott’s last interview with Eric, from May 2003.

God Bless Carlos Delgado

Toronto Blue Jays star one-bagger Carlos Delgado has been protesting the Iraq war by leaving the field during the playing of God Bless America. Delgado intends the gesture as a protest against policy with which he disagrees:

“But I think it’s the stupidest war ever. Who are you fighting against? You’re just getting ambushed now. We have more people dead now after the war than during the war,” he said. “I don’t support what they do. It’s just stupid.”

Delgado has come under fierce criticism from fans and pundits for this harmless and symbolic gesture. One fan said, before a game in New York:

“I think it’s totally disrespectful,” he said shortly before gametime. “It’s a slap directly in my face, as a New Yorker and an American.”

It is not. Delgado has already identified the reason he is protesting. It has nothing to do with slapping a fan in the face. Offended parties are afflicted with the disease of self-identification with the state, L’Etat C’est Moi in other words. The state is an organization which is separate from the people it rules, and which commits terrible crimes in their name. Awfully convenient then, for the criminals in charge, that many people think they are the state. What a bewildering sight it must surely be, for the blind servants of the state, uncritical and trusting of their politicians, to see someone like Delgado actually walking a different path. Delgado’s critics are afraid that he is right, and wrapped in that fear, are lashing out at him, ridiculing his courage. God bless him.

Yet Another Fahrenheit 9/11 Review

I saw the flick last night, and it’s disappointing. I knew going in what the limitations were going to be. I knew this was going to be an anti-Bush attack, geared toward getting him out of office, but I really hoped there would be more substance in this flick.
The opening sequence, a pre-amble about how the 2000 presidential election was stolen from Al and Joe, is laughable. Moore seems to be saying that Fox News bullied the other networks into giving Florida to Bush when they had already given it to Gore. Those racists at Fox caused the whole thing. Movies can never afford to waste time, and this movie wastes at least half of its screen time. Continue reading “Yet Another Fahrenheit 9/11 Review”

Did Kucinich Sell Out Anti-War Democrats?

Democracy Now! is reporting that a deal has been struck between Dennis Kucinich and John Kerry’s warmongering delegates, brokered by political hack Sandy Berger, concerning the anti-war stance of the Democrat Party. Kucinich’s demand for an early withdrawal of US troops from Iraq has been quashed. Interviewed by Amy Goodman, Kucinich said:

“Amy, I have not changed my position one iota. I think it’s important to understand that. At the same time, what we’re able to achieve inside the Democratic Platform Committee is an altogether different thing. So, you know, I know that there’s still a great distance to go before the Democratic Party and John Kerry will have policies that are going to be satisfactory to me. But I also know that there comes a time where we have to realize the implications of what happens if we continue to say that, you know, if you don’t adopt a withdrawal strategy, you are not going to have our support. I think that’s, you know, that’s a very dangerous proposition in terms of the fact that we have an administration that lied to get us into a war, and you can’t — you know, you can’t pin that war on the Democrats. This was a — you know, there are Democrats who voted for it. That’s true. And John Kerry was one of them. And I’m going to do everything I can to keep trying to influence a new direction for the Party. But we didn’t have the votes inside the platform. So, the question is, do we — you know, do we create a fight that there’s just no support for winning inside the Party?” Continue reading “Did Kucinich Sell Out Anti-War Democrats?”