Vanity Fair to Reveal More on Sibel Edmonds’ Case

The new issue of Vanity Fair is coming out with a major piece on FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds’ case. The 11-page article is in the issue that hits newsstands in New York City tomorrow (Wednesday).

The article, by British journalist David Rose, promises to have new revelations beyond “the tip of the iceberg.”

Edmonds, “the most gagged woman in history,” is appealing to the US Supreme Court on Thursday to allow her to talk about what she knows about pre-9/11 intelligence failures.

Karpinski Names Names (tonight)

Dave DeBatto will play his pre-recorded interview with former Abu Ghraib commander Janice Karpinski on his new radio show tonight at Midnight (Eastern Time, 9pm Pacific).

Debatto says “In the interview, Karpinski names, names all the way to the top, disclosing documents she saw authorizing illegal interrogation methods.”

Dave DeBatto’s new show (co-hosted by Kate Delaney), America At Night is broadcast on 70 radio stations (including KNEW in San Francisco), and on the Internet live.

Listen to the show live. If this link doesn’t work, go here and click on “Listen Live.”

Rothbard’s Conceived in Liberty on Sale! has a great sale:

Murray Rothbard’s 4-volume history of Early America, Conceived in Liberty is a mere $63 for all four books. This set has been selling for $100 for many years.

Make sure you order it using this link, so that gets a cut of the sale.

Read the excerpt “Pennsylvania’s Anarchist Experiment: 1681-1690.”

Read Robert Klassen’s review.

Sgt. Benderman Gets 15 Months for Lesser Charge

Debbie Clark covering the court-martial for from Fort Stewart, Georgia, reports that judge Col. Donna M. Wright has convicted Sgt. Kevin Benderman of the charge of missing movement,” failing to convict on the charge of desertion.

Updated: Judge Wright sentenced Sgt. Benderman to 15 months. Observers felt this was a harsher sentence than expected for the lesser charge. He also received a dishonorable discharge and a reduction in rank to E-1. This is believed to be the harshest sentence yet for an Iraq resister. Judge Wright threw out the bogus charge of larceny (for clerical error in receiving combat pay) earlier in the week.

Military police immediately took Sgt. Benderman into custody.

Read Debbie Clark’s earlier report on the court-martial.

We will update this report as details come in.