Sibel Edmonds Speaks and Bob Dreyfuss Explains

Saturday on the Weekend Interview Show I’ll be talking with Sibel Edmonds about the new Vanity Fair article which finally disclosed the reason for her gagging: The corruption of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. National Security indeed.

In the second hour I’ll be talking with veteran reporter Bob Dreyfuss about the FBI investigation into the Israeli spies operating out of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee and the Department of Defense.

Update: The show’s over, archives here. I need a fast typist to write up a transcript of the Sibel Edmonds interview. I’ve already got it started for you. When I asked her whether she thought that the unnamed State and Defense Department officials in her case were tied in any way to the AIPAC spy scandal, she replied:

“Absolutely. And I cannot go into any details – and maybe some other investigative journalist … will come here an do the rest of this article – but even the AIPAC spy scandal as far as I’m reading today is just touching the surface of it. It’s going only to a certain degree. It doesn’t go high enough, in what it involves and how far it goes, and that’s as far, and the best – as far as I can explain.”

Later in the interview, around the time we were discussing what she can’t say about September 11th, Edmonds said that when her story is finally told, it will make the AIPAC scandal look “lame” in comparison.

Sibel Edmonds Speaks and Bob Dreyfuss Explains

Saturday on the Weekend Interview Show I’ll be talking with Sibel Edmonds about the new Vanity Fair article which finally disclosed the reason for her gagging: The corruption of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. National Security indeed.

In the second hour I’ll be talking with veteran reporter Bob Dreyfuss about the FBI investigation into the Israeli spies operating out of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee and the Department of Defense.

Listen live 4-6 pm eastern time


Weekend Interviews

Saturday on the Weekend Interview Show, Jacob Hornberger from the Future of Freedom Foundation will explain the scandal surrounding the military tribunals, Greg Mitchell from Editor and Publisher will discuss the unnessessary nuking of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Japan 60 years ago and the supression of the reality of the effects, and I’ll try once more to speak with Mother Jones‘ David Enders from Iraq about the situation in Fallujah.

Update: Show’s over, archives here

Let’s Press the Press

Alright folks. Sibel Edmonds needs your help. She has filed an appeal to the Supreme Court on the heels of the explosive new Vanity Fair article which cites government investigators saying that the covering up of House Speaker Dennis Hastert’s (among others’) corruption is the reason for the Justice Department’s violation of her rights, gagging her with the state secrets privilege – a privilege that does not even exist in any American statute. Now it is certain: the only national security Sibel threatens with her story is the job security of corrupt politicians.

Don’t let this story die! Call, write, fax, email, cajole and complain until Edmonds gets some real coverage in the press.


The New York Times The Washington Post The Dallas Morning News The Chicago Tribune The Miami Herald

How shameful is it, that after all this time, it took a Brit to come to America, land of the first amendment, to write this story for a fashion magazine?

Very shameful.

Christopher Deliso’s interview of Edmonds here.

My interview of her here.

Edmonds’ homepage is here, her petition is here, and her archives are here.

The State and Its Discontents

Saturday on the Weekend Interview Show, I’ll be talking with Walter Block, of the Mises Institute and Loyola University all about liberty and economics, Monica Benderman about the conviction of her husband Kevin for refusing to go back to Iraq, and reporter David Enders live from there, about the permanent crisis in Fallujah.

Update: Show’s over. Block is a genius, Monica Benderman is one tough lady, and I missed David because Iraqi cell phone service still sucks.