Moon-Age Nightmare

More visionary brilliance from the neolibertarians at TechCentralStation:

    For the 2006 midterm elections, Republicans should propose an idea so big that it stretches to the stars. Republicans should commit the government to building a space elevator by 2020. …

    Space elevators could make going into orbit as cheap as flying across the Pacific. They could make space vacations financially feasible for many Americans.

Bitchin’! Dude, I cannot wait to take a spacecation – probably in my new capacity as a slave, mining helium-3 on the moon to pay off my share of the quadrillion-dollar national debt the project will incur, but still. Space!

But wait, it gets better:

    Space elevators would also give the U.S. the high-ground in any future military conflict. With the elevators we could easily launch or destroy spy satellites. They would also help the U.S. set up a “Star Wars” missile defense system. Finally, space elevators would allow the military to deploy inexpensive non-explosive kinetic weapons that could be dropped from orbit on our enemies.

Now I know what you’re thinking: Matt, this is the raddest idea I have ever heard of in my pitiful, Earth-bound life! Thanks for giving me a reason to go on! And I couldn’t agree more: the welfare-warfare state has outgrown this tiny orb. But why wait until 2020? I want this thing up while I’m still young, dammit! That’s why I urge you to please write your congressional representatives and demand a space elevator (hell, make that two space elevators – think of the lines) by the end of President Bush’s second term.

(Via Gene Healy.)

Americans to Fight Under British Command – Declaration of Independence Burns

That’s it folks. It’s time to stop pretending that this is America anymore. It’s not. After 60 years of the postwar Anglo-American empire, the Declaration of Independence has finally been formally annulled by the crime ring currently cloaking itself in the forms of a long-lost Republic.

According to Stars and Stripes, the American mission in Afghanistan is to be run by the Redcoats.

“STAVANGER, Norway — A NATO headquarters unit is in the midst of training for a deployment to Afghanistan that — as early as this summer — will see the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps assume command of all foreign troops in the country. It will be the first time since World War II that U.S. troops at war would be under the theaterwide command of a foreign officer, in this case, a British three-star general. It will also mark a historic expansion of NATO’s mission outside Europe, possibly providing a blueprint for alliance missions in Africa or elsewhere. [emphasis added]

“’I’ve absolutely no doubt’ NATO is ready to lead the force, the ARRC commander, British army Lt. Gen. David Richards, said in an interview. If attacked, ‘we will respond robustly to whoever wishes to take us on. The NATO [rules of engagement] are more than robust enough to deal with anyone who wishes to tangle with us.’

“Richards also said that member nations such as Germany and Italy have, in almost all cases, released their troops from ‘caveats’ that restrict how they can participate in the mission.”

And why not?

The USA already has its own Star Chamber courts (a game so rigged that some of the prosecutors have resigned rather than have to carry the shame of a victory), wars can be declared by the executive alone, just like in the Old World, and there are (so far) thousands of victims to the president’s claim to “inherent” “plenary“post-constitutional authority to declare any person an “enemy combatant” (a phrase was made up by White House lawyers so that they could keep the victims of their kidnapping outside of the protection of the law) – a power upheld by the new Chief Justice in his last job. The medieval savages that run our Defense Department the now hold the innocent victims of this “Grab whom you must, do what you want” policy at “ghost prisons” all over the world where they are routinely tortured. All of which makes one wonder how this government is any different or better than the empire its founders seceded from.

The truth is that the British tail has been wagging the US dog since the days of Teddy Roosevelt, and the fact that we are now occupying with, and now under, the British, territory which their empire had least been able to hold in their past, just goes to show that not much has changed in a hundred years except who’s paying for it all.

Don’t expect to hear much of anything from all the conservatives who – rightly – complained about Bill Clinton’s placing of US troop under foreign command during all of his so-called peacekeeping missions – this is George W. Bush giving orders to take foreign orders, and that makes it okay. You know, like when he renamed Americorps “The Freedom Corps” and nationalized the government schools?

I know what you’re thinking: despite being born with the last name of Horton, I am obviously just an anti-white racist. For what other possible reason in the world would I criticize this entangling alliance with Great Britain?

You’re right, of course.

Sullivan Delenda Est

Andrew Sullivan:

    I’m aware of one person who clearly stated before the war that he believed that Saddam had no WMDs. That was Scott Ritter. This is not the same as saying that we didn’t know for sure, or should have waited some more; or that containment could have worked for a few months or years longer. I mean: an anti-war commentator, writer or speaker who clearly said that Saddam had no WMDs before we invaded and that therefore the war was illegitimate. I remember being told by many who were against getting rid of Saddam that we shouldn’t invade precisely because he had WMDs and our invasion would be the only occasion in which he’d use them. But I don’t recall anyone saying flat out that there were no WMDs in Iraq. But I may have missed someone. I’ll happily post such pre-war statements if you send them to me.

So anyone who opposed the war was supposed to prove a negative, or at least believe he/she could – otherwise, his/her arguments were no more plausible than the shrieks about Saddam’s nukes or his anthrax-laden unmanned aerial vehicles. An honest, reasonable person could have gone either way.

Bullsh*t. There was no shortage of sound arguments, both practical and moral, against this war. Not one of them required the arguer to do the impossible, i.e., demonstrate that there wasn’t a single canister of usable mustard gas anywhere in Iraq. A recap of the antiwar basics regarding WMD:

1. The whole WMD construct was a fraud. It allowed the War Party to conflate WWI-era battlefield weapons (e.g., mustard gas) and high-tech bioweapons of thus-far-limited destruction (e.g., anthrax) with nuclear weapons of transatlantic range. Moreover, the supplementary “dual use” construct meant that, in the absence of actual WMD, the War Party planned to hold up virtually any factory (see Khartoum, 1998) or laboratory as “evidence” of WMD production. It’s not hard to slam dunk when you lower the rim to five feet and expand it to encompass the entire court.

2. After years of inspections, the notion that Iraq possessed or was anywhere near possessing nukes, or the means to hit the U.S. with them, had been rendered unreasonable. (Andrew can post some of these if he’d like.)

3. Insofar as any war opponents made the WMD argument Sullivan describes, they were (a) talking about the use of battlefield weapons on invading U.S. troops (not U.S. territory) and/or (b) pointing out a suspicious recklessness in the warmongers’ approach to Iraq. If the hysterics sincerely believed their own claims about Saddam’s arsenal, then they sure seemed weirdly eager to thrust hundreds of thousands of young Americans (and millions of innocent bystanders) into the open jaws of Hell.

4. A lie is not a mistake, and there can be no doubt that the administration and its amplifiers lied when they repeatedly said they knew Iraq had WMD. If I say, “I believe Salma Hayek is in love with me,” I might be making an honest mistake, albeit one that reveals my ignorance of Ms. Hayek, my excessive self-regard, and ultimately, my lousy grasp of reality. But if I say, “I know Salma Hayek is in love with me,” and buttress that claim with half-truths, forgeries, and the suppression of evidence to the contrary, then I am lying. Period. The hair has been split to an irreducible point.

Those who opposed this war have nothing to answer for, especially not from the likes of Andrew Sullivan. Yet, as Sullivan clamors for the next war, we cannot simply ignore him and hope that others will do the same. All he has gleaned from the Iraq debacle is that Americans will believe anything, which makes him – like the al-Qaeda recruits getting on-the-job training in occupied Iraq – an even bigger menace to peace than he was before. I urge every blogger or columnist reading this to confront Sullivan, blog post to blog post. Let no whopper go unchallenged. Let no self-serving gibberish go unanswered. Please.

Afghan Parliamentarian Malalai Joya touring US

The real heroes of Afghanistan are its women, who over decades of oppression and brutality continue to struggle for peace and freedom. Their goals are the simple human ones of obtaining medical help, education, and freedom from religious fundamentalism. Their enemies have been and still are numerous and powerful, ranging from the Taliban to perfidious so-called aid agencies, “allied” governments, and the still-reigning warlords. RAWA remains the oldest, most effective organization that continues this struggle for the women of Afghanistan. RAWA supports Afghan Parliamentarian Malalai Joya in her efforts, often at the cost of threats to her life, to improve the plight of women in that country.

This month, Women’s History Month, Malalai Joya is touring the US and I urge our readers to go see her speak and listen to her story. She is the 27-year-old member of the Afghan National Assembly who gained international attention for standing up to the warlords who are once more in power. The schedule is as follows:

March 12 – Cambridge, MA – The Democracy Center, 45 Mt. Auburn St. in Cambridge, at 2 pm. Co-sponsored by Boston Mobilization, Women’s Int’l League for Peace & Freedom, CODEPINK Boston & Afghan Women’s Mission. For more information email or call 617-493-5599.

March 13 – Washington DC – Social Work Auditorium, 525 W. Redwood Street, Baltimore MD, at 5:30 pm. Sponsored by University of Maryland School of Social Work and Division of International Health. For more information, email

March 15 – Washington DC – George Washington University, Prince Alwaleed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding from 12noon – 1pm. Please note, this event is INVITATION ONLY. If interested, contact

March 16 – Berkeley, CA – Talk and reception at University of California at Berkeley campus, Room 370 Dwinelle Hall, at 4 pm. Refreshments will be served. Sponsored by: Gender and Women’s Studies Department, U.C. Berkeley. Co-sponsored by: Global Exchange, Afghan Women’s Mission, Afghan Coalition, GABRIELA Network.

March 17 – Santa Barbara, CA – Press confererence at City Hall with Mayor Marty Blum and City Council members, at 12 Noon. For more information, call 805-569-2331, or email

March 18 – Santa Barbara, CA –Faulkner Gallery, Santa Barbara Central Library, 40 E. Anapamu St. at 5 pm. Co-sponsored by the Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee and the UCSB Women’s Center. For more information, call 805-569-2331, or email

March 20 – Ventura, CA – Ventura College Theatre, 4667 Telegraph Road Ventura College, 10:30 am. For more information, please call 805-654-6400. Sponsored by the Women’s Concerns Council.

March 20 – Glendale, CA – Glendale City College, 1500 N. Verdugo Blvd. Glendale CA, 90208 (Corner of Mountain), campus building TBA, at 3 pm. For more information, call (323) 788-3171

March 22 – Norwich, VT – Norwich Congregational Church, 15 Church Street, Norwich, Vermont at 7:30 pm. Sponsored by Dartmouth College Women’s and Gender Studies Program, Building Bridges Middle East-US, and the Women’s Network of the Upper Valley. For more information contact Jennfier Fluri 603-646-0886.

March 23 – New Haven, CT – Lecture at Luce Hall, 34 Hillhouse Avenue in New Haven, CT, at 7:30pm. Sponsored by the Council for Middle East Studies, Yale University

Donations can be made to help fund Malalai’s US tour and the Hamoon Clinic, which Malalai Joya runs in Farah Province. You can make online credit card donations for the duration of her tour (have patience, this link is very slow). Or if you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to International Humanities Center – write “Malalai Joya” in the memo. (IHC is a registered 501-c-3 non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.) Mail checks to International Humanities Center, P.O. Box 923, Malibu, CA 90265.