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Updated November 30, 2023 - 8:53 PM EST
US Reaffirms No Conditions on Israel Military Aid
  Israel, Hamas Extend Gaza Truce for Seventh Day
  Israel Left Premature Babies to Die Alone in Gaza Hospital
Smotrich: West Bank is Home to '2 Million Nazis'
  Security Minister Ben-Gvir Threatens to Quit Cabinet if War Stops
  Israeli Army Labels Jenin 'Closed Military Zone'
  Israeli Journalist Slams Army for Feeding Him False Line
Polls: Zelensky Might Lose Election to Zaluzhny

Blinken: We Must and We Will Continue to Support Ukraine

Sen. Rand Paul to Force Vote on Syria Withdrawal
Henry Kissinger, War Criminal, Dead at 100
item Can US Threats Prevent a Wider War in the Middle East?  by Medea Benjamin & Nicolas JS Davies
item NATO Chief Puts Hypocrisy on Full Display  by Ted Snider
item A Framework for Peace in Israel and Palestine  by Jeffrey D. Sachs
item Media's Fatal Compromises  by Patrick Lawrence

More Viewpoints

US Alleges Indian Official Behind Assassination Plot of Sikh Separatist
POLITICO to Amplify Pentagon Funding Woes Claim

Osprey Helicopter Crash in Japan Kills at Least One US Soldier

Gaza Truce Is Not Enough, Say Residents of Bombed-Out Neighborhood
UN Chief Says Gaza in Midst of 'Epic Humanitarian Catastrophe'
Photos: As Truce Holds, People in Gaza Venture Out to Survey Destruction
Hamas Invites Elon Musk to Gaza to Witness 'Massacres and Destruction'
Hamas Frees 16 Hostages, Including American
'Save What Remains of Gaza', Hospital Director Says, Amid Bombing
South Africans Demand Permanent Gaza Ceasefire During Pro-Palestine March
Freed Israeli Hostages Tell Families of Ordeal in Gaza Captivity
Far-Right Israeli Ministers Demand Netanyahu End Gaza Truce
Middle East
Lebanon Asks for Supplies to Prepare for Possible Israel War
Iraq's Former Parliament Speaker Al-Mashhadani Eyes Return
New US Sanctions on Iran Target Oil Revenues
Bahraini Dissident Sues Interpol Over 'Red Notice' Arrest and Deportation
Burkina Faso

At Least 40 Civilians Killed by Al-Qaeda-Linked Rebels in a Burkina Faso Town, UN Rights Office Says

Jihadists in Burkina Faso: Mariam Ouedraogo, Journalist Haunted by the Rapes
Russia Says It Takes Ukrainian Village, Ukraine Notes Increased Russian Activity
Paul Whelan Attacked in Russian Prison, Brother Says
Over 20% of the EU's Russian LNG Imports Are Resold Abroad
United Kingdom
British War Monitor Challenges UK Refusal to Provide Details of Civilian Death in Syria
Britain to Send Seven Royal Navy Ships to Patrol Areas With Undersea Cables
Luton College Suspends Ties With British Arms Firm After Student Protest Over Israeli Ties
Slovak Truckers to Block Ukraine Crossing, Joining Polish Protests
Lithuania Asks EU Not to Drop Ammo Refunds for Ukraine
The War at Home
Pro-Palestine Facebook Post Sparks CIA Warning About Political Messages
Navy Creates Program Office to Manage Nuclear Carrier Defuelings
Boeing Wins $2.3 Billion Contract for 15 US Air Force KC-46A Pegasus Tankers
Mexico President Asks Lawmakers to Let US Military Trainers Into Mexico
Five Journalists Were Shot in One Day in Mexico, Officials Confirm

UN Calls on Israel to Withdraw From Occupied Golan

Photos: Hamas and Israel Exchange More Captives for Prisoners
Israeli Forces Kill Two Palestinian Children in Jenin Refugee Camp

Freed Israeli Hostages Tell Families of Beatings and Death Threats

Palestinians Returning to Gaza Homes Shot by Israeli Forces
How Israel Jails Thousands of Palestinian Prisoners Without Charges
British Barrister, Father of Student Killed by IDF, Pleads for Change in Tactics or Risk Losing West's Support
UN Commission to Investigate Hamas Sexual Violence, Appeal for Evidence
Israeli Chief Military Censor Complains of Pressure and Threats of Dismissal From Netanyahu
Shiri, Ariel and 10-Month-Old Baby Kfir Bibas Have Been Killed, Says Hamas
Number of Palestinians Killed in West Bank Since October 7 Exceeds 2022 Death Toll
Hamas Release of Israeli Teenage Hostage and Her Pet Dog
Violence Bleeds Through Generations in West Bank's Jenin
Palestinian Activist Ahed Tamimi Among 30 Prisongers Released in Deal for Hostages
Yair Netanyahu Visits United Hatzalah Headquarters in Jerusalem
Pakistan's Jailed Imran Khan Names Temporary Successor for Party Election
Pakistan Court Overturns Ex-PM Nawaz Sharif's Graft Conviction: Lawyer
Canada Is Seeking More Cooperation From India in Light of US Allegations
Kashmir Students Accused of Terror for 'Celebrating' India World Cup Loss
Myanmar Military Pounds Rakhine Town During Clashes
Myanmar and China Conduct Naval Drills Together as Fighting Surges in Border Area
Taiwan Picks Veteran Diplomat as New US Envoy
North Korea Says It Will Not Negotiate Sovereignty With 'Double-Faced' US
Bangladesh Opposition Vows to Continue Protests Despite 'Autocratic' Crackdown
Spending Fight Imperils US Pacific Island Funding Meant to Counter China
Latin America
Peru Constitutional Court Restores Pardon of Ex-President Fujimori
Brazil Increases Northern Border Military Presence Amid Venezuela-Guyana Spat
Read more

Ted Snider
NATO Chief Puts Hypocrisy on Full Display

David Stockman
How American Neocons Wrecked the Middle East and Ukraine

Ramzy Baroud
The Old and New Nakba: Forced Expulsion of Palestinians Must Be Rejected

Daniel Larison
The Warfare of Starvation

Ron Paul
No Janet, We Cannot Afford More Wars

Sheldon Richman
When History Didn’t Begin

Ted Galen Carpenter
Some Alleged Restrainers Are Just Selective Ultra-Hawks

Scott Horton
Netanyahu’s Support for Hamas Backfired

Doug Bandow
How Will America’s Borrow and Spend Politicians Pay for an Imperial Foreign Policy?

Ray McGovern
Dan Ellsberg’s Parting Plea: Don’t Wait

Dave DeCamp
To Avoid a War With China Over Taiwan, the US Needs To Back Down

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

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