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Updated February 14, 2024 - 8:53 PM EST
US Gives Israel Green Light to Kill Civilians in Rafah
  Israeli Airstrikes Kill 9 Civilians in Lebanon
  Israel Proposes Creating US-Funded Tent Cities to Evacuate Rafah
  South Africa Asks ICJ to Order Israel Halt Rafah Offensive
  Israeli Airstrikes Wipe Out Entire Palestinian Family in Rafah
Netanyahu Rejects Israeli Hostage Deal Outline
  Ben Gvir Says Israel Should Shoot Palestinian Women and Children
  Israeli Minister Blocks US Flour Shipments Into Gaza
Senate Passes $95 Billion Foreign Military Aid Bill
  Sen. Van Hollen Calls Israelis 'War Criminals,' Votes to Send Aid
Norway Warns Russia Is Stronger Now Than a Year Ago
Defense Secretary Austin Released From Hospital
item Indispensable Nation or One Obsessed With Hegemony  by Edward Lozansky
item Washington Promotes Venezuelan Opposition Candidate  by Roger D. Harris
item The 'Disinformation' Complex and US Foreign Policy  by James Carden
item Who Will Fight These Wars Anyhow?  by Kym Robinson

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