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Updated May 28, 2024 - 8:43 PM EDT
US-Constructed Pier Off Gaza Breaks Apart
Ukraine Says France Will Send Military Trainers
  Sweden Says Ukraine Can Use Swedish Arms on Russian Territory
  NATO Allies Skeptical About $100 Billion Plan for Ukraine
US Appears To Justify Israel's Rafah Massacre
  Egyptian Soldier Killed by Israeli Forces Near Rafah Crossing
  Israel Closing Rafah a 'Death Sentence' for 1000s of Ill and Wounded
  Access to Aid in Gaza Was Dire. Now, It's Worse.
Knesset Bill To Label UNRWA as 'Terror Group'
  Nearly 9,000 Palestinians Detained in West Bank Since October 7
Israeli Strikes Kill Two in Southern Lebanon
US To Resume Sale of Offensive Arms to Saudi Arabia
Rep. McCaul Leads Congressional Delegation to Taiwan
item In the Fog of Forever War, the US No Longer Recognizes Alternatives  by Christopher J. Coyne & Abigail R. Hall
item How Britain Sabotaged Ukraine Peace  by Kit Klarenberg
item It's Time for Diplomacy, Not Threats  by Ted Snider
item America's Constitutional State of Emergency  by Dennis Kucinich

More Viewpoints

Italy Says Violence Against Civilians in Gaza 'No Longer Justifiable'
Israeli Strike Kills Man Who Fed Stray Animals in South Lebanon
Iran's Acting President Addresses New Parliament After Crash Killing President
Spain to Grant 1 Billion Euros Worth of Weapons to Ukraine This Year
Ukraine To Receive $190 Million in Military Aid From UK-Led Coalition
Frustrated EU Ministers Urge Hungary to Stop Blocking Military Aid to Ukraine
Ukraine to Maximize Energy Import Capacity From EU on Monday
US Soldier Held in Russia Charged With Threatening To Kill Girlfriend, Media Report Says
Russia Invites Afghanistan's Taliban to Major Economic Forum
Russia, Uzbekistan to Continue Defense Cooperation
Photos: Memorial Day at the Normandy American Cemetery
New Caledonia State of Emergency To End as France Deploys More Troops
Poland to Limit Movement of Russian Diplomats
Poland Fleshes Out Details of Plan To Beef Up Eastern Border
Georgian Parliament's Committee OKs Motion to Overturn Veto on Foreign Agents Law
NATO Members Bordering Russia To Build 'Drone Wall'
Nigel Farage Starts Election Cycle With Claim Muslims Do Not Share British Values
EU Adds 19 Russians, Russian Federal Penitentiary to Sanctions List
EU Nations Spurn Ireland's Recognition of Palestinian Authority
Sudan: 2.5 Million People Could Die From Hunger by September 2024, Warns Dutch Think Tank
Doctors Without Borders Staff Member Killed in Sudan's North Darfur State
Darfur Joint Forces Recapture Crucial Water Reservoir From RSF in El-Fasher
China Premier Agrees on Cooperation With Seoul, Tokyo but Issues Veiled Rebuke Against Their US Ties
Russia Considering Removing 'Taliban' From Terrorist List
North Korea Condemns Denuclearization Call at Neighbors' Summit in Seoul
Five Pakistani Soldiers Killed in Gunbattles With Militants, Army Says

Philippines Protests China's Annual Fishing Ban

Scarred by War, Myanmar Children 'Cannot Have the Life They Used To Have'
Russia To Build a Small Nuclear Power Plant in Uzbekistan
Photos: Israel Bombs Yet Another Gaza Camp It Had Declared a Safe Zone
Gaza Hospitals Operating in 'Medieval' Conditions: UK Doctor
Amnesty Seeks War Crimes Probe Into Three Israel Strikes in Gaza
Palestinian Authority 'Preparing to Govern Gaza', Says PM
Aid Trucks Arrive in Gaza but
No Deliveries Yet
Canada Pledges Visas for 5,000 Gaza Residents Related to Canadians
'Heinous Massacre': Israel's Attack on Rafah Tent Camp Widely Condemned
Hamas Says Washington To Blame for Rafah Massacres

French President 'Outraged' by Israeli Strikes on Rafah, Calls for 'Immediate' Ceasefire

Headless Child, Charred Bodies: Survivors Recount Israel's Rafah Camp Massacre

How Israel May Have Breached International Law in Rafah Camp Bombing

Media Watchdog Files ICC Case Over Journalists' Deaths in Gaza

Israel's Borrowing Spree Reaches Palm Beach as US Municipalities Pile In
Israel Bars Spain's Consulate in Jerusalem From Serving PA Residents
Celebrities at Cannes Show Solidarity With Palestine Through Fashion
'Audacious, Outrageous': Gaza Protesters Slam Greek Deportation Order

New Settler Units on Palestinian Land Hand Israel a Powerful Demographic Weapon

Raids in Jenin, Nablus: Shot Youth Left to Bleed to Death by Israeli Forces

US Lawmakers Threatened ICC With 'The Hague Invasion Act,' but What Is It?
Iraq Weekly Roundup: 20 Killed
Two KFC Outlets Attacked in Baghdad Over Gaza War, Police Sources Say
Middle East
Jordan in 'Diplomatic Battle' With Israel: Crown Prince Hussein
Five Pro-Iran Forces Killed in ISIS Attack in Eastern Syria
Egypt Arrests Opposition Leader Ahmed Tantawy
Armed Men Kill at Least 18 Civilians in Central Mali
Hundreds Flee in Northwest Nigeria After Attacks, Official, Residents Say
Cut Israel Ties: South Africa Universities Face Pressure To Follow Government
Tunisia Replaces Interior, Social Affairs Ministers in Reshuffle
Read more

Ted Snider
It’s Time for Diplomacy, Not Threats

Ted Galen Carpenter
US Must Accept Spheres of Influence To Preserve Peace

Ramzy Baroud
Nakba Resurrected – How the Gaza Resistance Ended Segmentation of Palestine

David Stockman
The American Empire Is Crumbling Under Its Debt

Daniel Larison
Logic of a Forgotten American Atrocity Is Alive Today

Ron Paul
The Vietnamization of Ukraine

Ray McGovern
Russia and China – Two Against One

Sheldon Richman
What Is Self-Determination?

Dave DeCamp
The News Never Stops

Scott Horton
The Israeli State’s Assault on Gaza Must Stop

Doug Bandow
Biden Makes Americans Targets in the Middle East, Then Campaigns on Their Deaths

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

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