In another ominous sign in the run-up to war with Iran, General Electric announced earlier this month that it was jumping on the bandwagon of hawkish non-profit “American Coalition Against Nuclear Iran, Inc.” (ACANI) signing a pledge to never conduct business in the nation and also pledging not to do business with anyone who owns any property inside Iran unless that property has been abandoned.
ACANI, which regularly runs commercials on all the major cable news channels (including GE-owned MSNBC, which has also been spreading anti-Iran hysteria) accusing Iran of developing nuclear weapons, keeps an “Iran Business Registry” which lists companies in the US and abroad which do business with Iran and urges visitors to contact elected officials to press for action against those companies.
The group’s president, Mark Wallace was the deputy campaign manager of Bush-Cheney ’04, but they also boast two co-founders who are highly placed in the Obama Administration, including Ambassador Richard Holbrooke and Dennis Ross, who is Hillary Clinton’s “special adviser for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia, including Iran.”