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Updated July 26, 2024 - 7:41 PM EDT

Caught on Camera: Westerners on Ground in Libya

  House to Vote This Week on Ending Libya War
  Libya Rebel FM: New Offensive Against Regime Soon
Report: NATO Raid in Pakistan Nets Haqqani Leaders

Pakistani Jets Attack Taliban Hideouts, Kill 17

  Asia Times Journalist Is Found Slain in Pakistan

House Democrats Unite on Afghanistan Exit


Five Afghans Killed in Attack on NATO Compound in Herat


Haqqani Insurgent Group Proves Resilient Foe in Afghan War

70 Killed as Yemen Violence Soars
Israeli Deputy PM Urges Attack on Iran
New Joint Chiefs Chair Would Occupy Iraq Past Deadline

Mladic to Be Extradicted to The Hague After Appeal Loss

Is Obama Above the Law?  by George Will
Enabling a Future American Dictator  by Rep. Ron Paul
The Supreme Court's Failure to Tackle Torture, Now and Forever  by Andy Worthington
What Must We Defend?  by Patrick J. Buchanan
Welcome to Post-Legal America  by Tom Engelhardt
No Blood, No Foul  by Scott Horton

More Viewpoints

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Women Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, Despite Exclusion From Ground Combat

US War Dead From 1804 Could Be Repatriated from Libya

WikiLeaks Fallout Hits PBS

More Evidence for PTSD, Heart Disease Link in US Vet Study

How One Parent's Lament for a Son Lost in Combat Echoed Across Britain

Pentagon Concerned About House Plan to Slash Missile Defense


Iraq VP Resigns 'To Force Slimming of Government'

When Iraq War Ends, How Many Troops Will Stay?

Monday: 11 Iraqis Killed, 25 Wounded


Zuma Says Gadhafi Refuses to Leave Libya

Defections, Protests Hit Libyan Regime

Libyan Rebels Hand Out Rules on POW Treatment; Some 300 in Custody, Including 10 Foreigners

Bahrain's Official Tally Shows Cost to Shi'ites of Crackdown

Bahrain Denies Abusing Female Shi'ite Doctors

US Yanks Diplomat From Bahrain After He's Threatened


UN Blasts 'Shocking' Syria Crackdown as Toll Rises

Syrians in Lebanon Wait as Unrest Continues

Video of Tortured Boy's Corpse Deepens Anger in Syria

Prominent Egyptian Activist Summoned for Questioning Over Criticizing Military on TV

Egypt's Christians Fear Violence as Changes Embolden Islamists


Protesting Burkina Faso Soldiers Fire Into Air

ICC Rejects Kenya Bid to Halt Election Violence Probe

Nigeria: Blasts Hit Vice-President's Hometown, Zaria

Suicide Bomber Attacks Base in Somalia, AU Says Casualties Unknown

Mugabe Ally Expands Push to Control Anglican Church

In Equatorial Guinea, US Engages With an Iron Leader


Cambodia-Thailand Border Dispute at UN Court

China's Inner Mongolia 'Under Heavy Security'

Sri Lanka War Atrocities Video Credible: UN Envoy


Iran's Supreme Leader Backs Ahmadinejad

Iran to Host Nuclear Disarmament Confab


Cost of War in Afghanistan Will Be Major Factor in Troop-Reduction Talks

Return of the Taliban: Rebel-Held District Is Sign of Things to Come

UK General Warns Against Afghanistan Pullout

Afghan Soldier Kills Australian Mentor

NATO Issues Apology for Bungled Afghan Airstrike

Former Pakistani Navy Commando Arrested in Sweep for Attack Suspects

Pakistani Military 'Bows to US Pressure' on Taliban


Palestinians Prepare for 'Nakba' Marches on Israel's Border

Netanyahu: Israel Cannot Prevent UN Recognition of Palestinian State

Palestinian Makes Artistic Mark on Passports

New Gaza Flotilla

Turkey FM: We Can't Stop Upcoming Aid Flotilla to Gaza

Rally in Turkey Commemorates Anniversary of Gaza Flotilla Incident

Activists Insist on New Gaza Flotilla Despite Rafah Opening

Gaza Activists Warn Israel Not to Block New Convoy

Canadians to Join Gaza Flotilla Despite Warnings


North Korea Threatens to Cut Off Hotline With South

US Spy Chief in Seoul for Talks on N. Korea: Report

S. Korea to Survey Former US Bases for Chemicals

South Korea Probes Soldiers Over Pro-North Postings

Report: CIA Secret Prisons in Poland Were Illegal, Unconstitutional

US Report: Military Coup Possible in Greece

Denmark: Hotel Bomber Found Guilty of Terror


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What’s Behind Israel’s War Against UNRWA?

Daniel Larison
Houthis Only Emboldened by Israeli Attacks

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Deflating Biden’s Boast on NATO

David Stockman
Living With Wilson’s Folly Over 100 Years Later

Ray McGovern
Will Putin Attack Poland and the Baltics?

Ted Galen Carpenter
The Republican Establishment’s Sterile Foreign Policy Perspective

Ron Paul
We Spent a Billion Dollars Fighting the Houthis… and Lost

Sheldon Richman
What Is Self-Determination?

Dave DeCamp
The News Never Stops

Scott Horton
The Israeli State’s Assault on Gaza Must Stop

Doug Bandow
Biden Makes Americans Targets in the Middle East, Then Campaigns on Their Deaths

David R. Henderson
How Much Is US Aid to Ukraine Costing You?

Patrick J. Buchanan
Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.)
‘I Know You Are But What Am I’: Russia’s Ready Response to US Africa-Alarmism

Justin Raimondo
The FBI vs.

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