Equal Time, Fair Play, and All That Crap

Before anyone calls for my scalp, here’s a link to a non-loony Randian whose work you might enjoy: Arthur Silber, who writes:

I think that a deep understanding of Rand’s ideas, and especially of the unique methodology which she brought to her explicitly philosophic work, would lead one to see that those ideas are fundamentally opposed to the system of corporate statism which so completely dominates the United States today. It is that system which is now inextricably tied to our foreign policy in countless ways, including what appears might be a succession of foreign wars, followed by lengthy periods of occupation. I think a genuine appreciation for Rand’s insights in this area would lead one to oppose that policy in the most forceful terms, as I myself do. And yet, many self-proclaimed admirers of Rand maintain that her views support the current foreign policy of the United States. I believe this is a significant distortion of her work, and of her intellectual legacy.