Desperation 2004

Some interesting election links:

*Various libertarian-ish people from Reason magazine’s Rolodex announce their presidential preferences. Kerry appears to be leading, with a strong showing by Badnarik. Most surprisingly emetic response goes to Nat Hentoff.

*The American Conservative endorses five candidates, plus not voting at all.’s own Justin Raimondo and Alan Bock argue for Ralph Nader and Michael Badnarik, respectively. Pat Buchanan and Scott McConnell pick their lesser evil of the Big Two.

Not that anyone asked, but as I see it, the difference between Kerry and Bush is temporal vs. spatial. That is, no matter who wins, we will see an extension of current U.S. foreign policies, primarily meddling in the Middle East. Kerry will drag out Bush’s Iraq disaster for another four years. On the “bright” side, he will be so busy defending this policy to an opportunistic Republican Congress – which will happily alternate between bashing Kerry for not winning and bashing him for not leaving – that he won’t have time to “liberate” the Saudis or anyone else (except maybe the Haitians, who will soon be due for their routine check-up from Uncle Sam). LBJ’s pitiful exit from office will seem strangely familiar on its 40th anniversary.

Bush, on the other hand, will see his reelection as God’s own vote on the soundness of the Bush Doctrine. Bush will thus be duty-bound to extend his divine benevolence to Iraq’s neighbors as a craven Republican Congress – largely aware of the tragedy to come – alternates between biting its nails and waving the flag. Insert your own reality-based Iran/Syria invasion scenario here. Just remember to update all the relevant names.

Which ticket do I support? Why, the only honorable one and the longest shot of all.

That’s right: Impeachment/Removal ’05.

Desperation 2004

Some interesting election links:

*Various libertarian-ish people from Reason magazine’s Rolodex announce their presidential preferences. Kerry appears to be leading, with a strong showing by Badnarik. Most surprisingly emetic response goes to Nat Hentoff. (E.g., on Ralph Nader: “He’s also become part of the bash-Israel crowd, and to get on ballots he’s been cooperating with Lenora Fulani, who has been accused of harboring anti-Semitic biases.” Now I hold no brief for Fulani, but notice that Hentoff doesn’t even bother to call her “anti-Semitic,” much less provide any evidence for the charge – he’s content to simply note that she “has been accused of harboring anti-Semitic biases.” The stuff about FDR is nauseating, too.)