The Politics of Grief, Bushy style

by | Aug 23, 2005

This is really a pathetic story.  First, from Digby:


Cindy Sheehan, right, hugs President
Bush supporter Gary Qualls of Temple, Texas after the two met at her
camp near Crawford, Texas, Saturday, Aug. 13, 2005. Qualls’ son Marine
LCPL. Louis W. Qualls was killed in the battle of Fallujah Nov. 14,
2004. Qualls answered an invitation from Sheehan to meet with pro-Bush
parents that lost children in Iraq. Qualls was the only parent that

“Over the weekend, as the camp prepared for the arrival of the counter-demonstrators, a huge diesel pickup truck rumbled into camp with its nose menacingly pointed towards the tents. It sat for a while, and everyone waited to see what would happen. Ann Wright, the main organizer of camp activities, finally approached the truck and met the driver. He was a father, Wright discovered, and his son had been killed in Iraq.

He did not agree with this protest, he said, but wanted to know if his son’s name was on one of the crosses in the Arlington West cemetery. Ann Wright invited the man to walk the rows of crosses and find his son’s name. They found it. Ann and the man from the truck sat down in front of the cross, wrapped their arms around each other, and wept. Later, the man shared a beer with Cindy Sheehan and told her he loved her.

Read the Rest Of The Story here.