What a Bunch of Sissies

by | Apr 20, 2006

“Mindless snark.” A “cheap shot.” That’s how Glenn Reynolds and his sorority sisters have characterized the following blog post by Jesse Walker of Reason:

    The Past Is Another Planet

    Glenn Reynolds, writing in Reason in 1999:

    [O]ur current situation–with so many foreign troop deployments that even military buffs can’t keep track of them all and with wars initiated essentially on presidential whim–would have horrified the Framers.

The post has been updated since then, but this original morsel is what provoked hissy fits among the hawks. Um, where’s the snark? Where’s the cheap shot? If I squint, I can maybe see a slight smirk in the Reynoldsesque presentation, though if that’s what Walker was shooting for, he forgot to append the requisite “Huh,” “Heh,” or “Indeed.”

But our angry little Paduks can’t stand to have their words read back to them, even without comment.