Karen Kwiatkowski on C-SPAN

Check it out:

Her story, Why We Fight, neoconservatism, OSP, Luti calling Zinni a traitor, Franklin, Ledeen, David Shenker, WINEP, PNAC, Shultz’s memo to Rumsfeld in Summer 2002, how she regrets that it never occured to her to do a Dan Ellsberg and steal documents, Soldier for the Truth David Hackworth (RIP) and his publishing of her anonymous essays from the Pentagon, Ahmad Chalabi and his handler Col. Bruner, Curveball, Michael Mackovsky, permanent bases in Iraq and America’s military “footprint,” the warfare economy, her sunny optimism and more…

Good for you Brian Lamb!!

Peace & Freedom Party Co-Founder John Haag Dies

John Haag, co-founder and long-time leader of the California Peace and Freedom Party, died March 29 after a brief illness. He was 75.

John was my mentor in my early days of politics. He taught me the basic skills of political organizing and strategy that have been essential to me over the last 35 years. John was a good friend who taught me a lot about life.

He was also a poet, proprietor of the Beat generation Venice West Cafe and a founder of the Free Venice (California) movement. He was an early state chairperson of P&F and a candidate for office, including controller and lieutenant governor, a number of times. He was the California campaign chair for Dr. Benjamin Spock’s president candidacy on the Peoples Party in 1972, in which P&F participated.

Here is an article he wrote about the history of P&F.

Here is an in-depth obituary from a local newspaper.

No date has yet been set for a memorial service. Please send letters – and photos – to the Free Venice Beachhead about John for the next issue. Contact: 310-399-2215 or Beachhead@freevenice.org. Thanks to Irv Sutley for letting me know this sad news.

Classic War Movies

“Just in time for Father’s Day!” said the ad I recently received via e-mail. For only $22.99 I can get twelve double-side DVDs with a total of 50 war movies. Featured actors include Ronald Reagan, James Cagney, and Sidney Poitier. Why in the world would anyone think that a collection of war movies had anything to do with Father’s Day? Is not war the greatest killer of fathers and potential fathers?

See the entire collection here.