World Net Daily Ditches Its Last Antiwar Writer

WorldNetDaily has done it again. First they cut Lew Rockwell and Alan Bock, now Gordon Prather has finally gotten the axe from their list of columnists.

He will continue to write his exclusive column for every weekend.

Dr. Prather, a nuclear physicist who’s spent a career making nuclear weapons and advising politicians about them, has made a consistent effort over the past few years to show the people of this land the truth about Iran’s nuclear capability and their rights within the Non-Proliferation Treaty and their International Atomic Energy Agency Agreements.

Your loss, WorldNetDaily.

Tony Judt Speech Shut Down by ADL

[UPDATE: Apparently, the Judt speech will go on, but on Oct. 16. But see this from the New York Sun.]

Historian Tony Judt, a frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books and director of the Remarque Institute at NYU, writes,

I was due to speak this evening, in Manhattan, to a group called Network 20/20 comprising young business leaders, NGO, academics, etc, from the US and many countries. Topic: the Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy. The meetings are always held at the Polish Consulate in Manhattan.

I just received a call from the President of Network 20/20. The talk was cancelled because the Polish Consulate had been threatened by the Anti-Defamation League. Serial phone calls from ADL President Abe Foxman warned them off hosting anything involving Tony Judt. If they persisted, he warned, he would smear the charge of Polish collaboration with anti-Israeli anti-Semites (= me) all over the front page of every daily paper in the city (an indirect quote). They caved and Network 20/20 were forced to cancel.

Whatever your views on the Middle East I hope you find this as serious and frightening as I do. This is, or used to be, the United States of America.

Foley the One-Handed Warrior

ABC News revealed this afternoon that Foley was engaging in “Internet sex” with a teenage boy while Foley was voting for the Bush administration’s Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriation in 2003.  

ABC reports:

This message was dated April 2003, at approximately 7 p.m., …

Maf54 [FOLEY]: I miss you
Teen:   ya me too
Maf54: we are still voting
Maf54: you miss me too

The exchange continues in which Foley and the teen both appear to describe having sexual orgasms.

Maf54: ok..i better go vote..did you know you would have this effect on me
Teen:   lol I guessed
Teen:   ya go vote…I don’t want to keep you from doing our job
Maf54: can I have a good kiss goodnight
Teen:   :-*

Bush often talks about the idealism of his war on terror and the nobility of congressmen and others who support his warring by burning tax dollars as fast as the IRS can vacuum them out of American paychecks.

We now know what Foley was doing when he voted to support scores of billions of dollars of additional spending for Iraq and Afghanistan.

But what were other pro-war Republicans doing at the same time?

How many other congressmen were metaphorically doing what Foley was doing actually?  

Comments/condemnations welcome at my blog here

Attention, Cato Shoppers

We’ve been pretty critical of the Cato Institute around here, frequently warning our antiwar peeps that money sent to Brink Lindsey and co. is wasted, at best. But now, in the interest of fairness, I must issue a consumer alert for pro-war Cato donors: you aren’t getting your money’s worth either. Example:

It is never the waging of wars that makes you safer, only the winning of them.

The U.S. was not safer in 1942–1945 than it had been in early 1941. We entered World War II because winning it would make America safer. In trying to win it, we suffered over a million casualties.

Part of the argument for toppling Saddam Hussein’s regime was that a beachhead for freedom and democracy in a Muslim Middle Eastern nation would, in the long term, weaken militant Islamism and promote peace. It was never suggested that the process of trying to create that beachhead would itself make anyone safer — no more than it was suggested that Americans would be safer during our participation in WW II.

Hence, it is fatuous to argue that a current rise in terrorist recruitment proves that toppling Saddam was a bad idea. Efforts to create a free and democratic Iraq are ongoing — the war is still in progress.

That is, what has actually happened since the war began doesn’t matter, because what war supporters said would happen could theoretically still happen – kind of; we may have to accept defeat in the scavenger hunt and cakewalk events – as long as we keep trying to make it happen. Plus watch Saving Private Ryan.

Surely you guys can do better than this.