Schwarzenegger Won’t Let Californians Vote on Iraq Pullout

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced early Wednesday he had vetoed legislation that would have allowed Californians to vote on an advisory measure calling for President Bush to immediately withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq.

The measure had been passed by the State Senate and State Assembly, and would have allowed Calfornians the chance to vote the February on a non-binding resolution calling for immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. This would have more clearly tied the Presidential primary to the issue of Iraq.

Schwarzenegger, a typical politician who clearly believes that Californians should not be allowed to express their decisions at the ballot box, said that the measure “would only further divide voters and shift attention from other critical issues that must be addressed.”

10 thoughts on “Schwarzenegger Won’t Let Californians Vote on Iraq Pullout”

  1. Ahnold is just another fascist. We certainly need an overhaul in government – there is an entire ‘class’ of people who gravitate to public office – they are not of the people, but special interests, gorging on public monies, dispensing contracts and privilege.

    I want the whole mess cleaned up. I hate these people.

    To my mind, if you are in government, you’re a slug and a crook.

    Government has become synonymous with crime syndicate.

  2. His death cult masters at Bohemian Grove must have told him to that the non-binding resolution was a bad idea.

  3. If Arnold could trade the loss of one vote for the gain of one less dead in Iraq, I wonder if he would make the trade. I doubt it.

  4. Politics pure and simple. There have been rumors that he may
    be angling for a run for Senator Feinstein’s seat in Congress and showing the same kind of guts he showed in his action flicks may not ingratiate himself with the powers that be thinking about his future political bankability. President Ah-nold anyone?!?

  5. Since when has the morality of war been a subject for majority vote?

    Four years ago voters would probably voted in the majority for the war, even though no politician four years ago would sponsor such a resolution.

    I don’t like California referendum politics. Majoritarian tyranny.

    This argument (support or oppose the war based on votes) is hollow on both sides. It should be non-binding even if the government doesn’t say it is.

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