Chris Deliso on His New Book

Chris Deliso, longtime columnist and proprietor of has written a new book called The Coming Balkan Caliphate: The Threat of Radical Islam to Europe and the West.

Check out his speech, “New Information and Key Trends Regarding Islamic Extremist Groups in the Balkans,” given on October 5, 2007 in Athens, Greece, at the University of Indianapolis international campus.

You didn’t think U.S. support for the Mujahideen ended with Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan… did you?

Hell no. Bill Clinton brought them to Europe.

Author: Scott Horton

Scott Horton is editorial director of, director of the Libertarian Institute, host of Antiwar Radio on Pacifica, 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles, California and podcasts the Scott Horton Show from He’s the author of the 2017 book, Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan and editor of The Great Ron Paul: The Scott Horton Show Interviews 2004–2019. He’s conducted more than 5,000 interviews since 2003. Scott lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, investigative reporter Larisa Alexandrovna Horton. He is a fan of, but no relation to the lawyer from Harper’s. Scott’s Twitter, YouTube, Patreon.

9 thoughts on “Chris Deliso on His New Book”

  1. Mr. Deliso

    Islamic political fundamentalism has been a favorite tool of Western imperialism for centuries now.

    Divide and conquer has been the motto of empires since time immemorial.The Romans used it to conquer and rule in Gaul, Germanium and Asia Minor. It was refined to a consummate art by the British, especially in India where they fueled Hindu-Muslim antipathies that ultimately fragmented the country into India, Pakistan and later Bangladesh. In Egypt, the British secret service literally created the Muslim Brotherhood in 1924 to use them against the budding nationalists who wanted to rid their country of occupation. It worked beautifully and for over a decade there was this Kafkaesque situation where these so-called Islamists were castigating Egyptian nationalists as evil atheists while praising Britain’s occupation of their country
    I believe, the US was aware, during the Cold War, that Islamic fundamentalism was the most effective means of undermining the advance of the socialist Non-Aligned Movement, personified by Gamal Abdel Nasser, in the strategic oil rich Arab world. What better way to defeat Arab nationalism and socialism (imported ideas) than with the religion the Arabs invented. Hence the grand alliance of American oil and Sharia(Islamic law) in the Whahhabite Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And it worked. Emboldened by the successful stratagem, Islamic fundamentalism was ultimately used by the US to destabilize and defeat the Soviet Union itself, in Afghanistan and beyond.

    I fail to see why it would surprise anyone that the same tactic was later used to dismember Yugoslavia. What is surprising is that the Serbs did not see it coming! Rather dumb on their part.

    But then again the old dictum, namely that if you play with fire you may get burned, seems to have been confirmed. The Americans and British may now be reaping the whirlwind!

  2. The Serbs did see it coming. They were prepared in Bosnia-Hercegovina and in Kosovo. The Serbs saw it coming for years.

    The US was supporting the Albanian Muslim separatists in Kosovo-Metohija for decades. The Serbs were aware of this fact. The CIA had machinations on Kosovo since the late 1940s. See my article The CIA and Greater Albania on The Albanian Muslims were murdering Kosovo Serb Christians, burning Christian Orthodox churches, and driving Christians from Kosovo in the hundreds of thousands for decades. The US State Department and US human rights groups never noticed.

    What was US policy? The US supported the Muslims, the Albanian Muslim minority in Yugoslavia. Why? For the same reason Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler supported the Albanian Muslims and Kaiser Wilhelm and Franz Joseph and Abdul Hamid before them. The policy is to divide and conquer. We see it today in Iraq with the US-created Sunni-Shia dichotomy to divide and conquer Islam.

    The Serbs have been aware of the game for a long time. The Serbs were ready for the US proxy Bosnian Muslim Army in Bosnia. Ratko Mladic destroyed that Muslim military force. In Kosovo, the Serbian police wiped out the Muslim separatists and Greater Albania secessionists.

    What did the US do? The US reconstructed and remade a new Albanian Muslim terrorist army in Kosovo. But don’t blame the Serbs. The Serbs saw it coming and were prepared. The Serbs wiped out the Muslim proxy armies in Bosnia and Kosovo that the US created, supplied, financed, trained, and funded.

    Similarly, the Russians knew the US game in Afghanistan. Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler had played the same game in World War II during Operation Barbarossa. The Germans too recruited Muslims in their armed forces, in the Wehrmacht and in the Waffen SS. This is an old game. The Russians too saw the US game.

    I think your statement that the mujahedeen defeated the Soviet forces in Afghanistan is one of those mindless rhetorical statements without any proof. The Soviets needed to intervene in Afghanistan to prevent the mujahedeen from taking over that country. Then the country would have become a US base and the US and the CIA would have used it to destroy the Soviet Union. Indeed, Russian intervention in Afghanistan may have given the USSR longer life and prevented a collapse in 1985.

    The Soviets defeated the US trained and supplied mujahedeen. The Soviets kept control of Afghanistan and prevented further CIA penetration and control. The CIA-created mujahedeen were a rag-tag bunch of terrorists that never were able to defeat the Soviet forces in any battles. The Soviets won. When Kabul was retaken in 2001, it was by Afghanis riding on Soviet tanks wearing Soviet uniforms and Soviet AK-47s and Soviet weapons. I would argue that the Soviets won. They killed so many CIA-trained mujahedeen and thinned their ranks that they could never threaten Soviet control of Afghanistan or the integrity of the USSR. Indeed, it may have been a mistake for Soviet troops to leave Afghanistan. What resulted was the Taliban and the reorganization of the CIA-created mujahedeen into the Al-Qaeda group.

    Both Serbs and Russians saw the US game and saw it coming. That is why for Serbs and Russians the Iraq and Afghanistan disasters are no surprises either. Serbs and Russians saw those coming too. Don’t sell the Serbs and Russians short. Russia defeated Germany in 1945 and put the Russian flag on the Reichstag in Berlin. Serbia defeated the Ottoman Turkish Empire in 1912 with help from allies Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, and Montenegro.

    Learn some humility. Learn something from the US disasters in Vietnam, the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Chickens come home to roost. And they will with the US too.

    1. Carl
      If your arguments are directed at me, then you are trying to break through an open door. I am not selling the Serbs or the Russians short. Quite to the contrary.

      But i am amazed at the rapid collapse of the Soviet Union which for a decade brought nothing but disaster to the Russian people. See my prior posts. What I find incomprehensible was the lack of political will, before Putin, to defend Russian interests.

  3. I am so glad that President Clinton prevented genocide there. It was purely a humanitarian mission with no ulterior motives. Peaceful Democrats have the absolute best foreign policy!!!! Nothing bad ever comes of it.

  4. Mr. Deliso continued…

    You speak of the unqualified support of the Clinton administration for the Muslims to the detriment of the Serbs as if it were some inexplicable aberration. Not once in your speech did you even allude to a reason. We are left to believe that Mr. Clinton and Mr. Lake must really be secret closet Wahabbites who would go to the length of bypassing their own Pentagon and CIA to connive with foreign intelligence organizations in order to promote the Albanian agenda!

    Why in heaven’s name would you believe such rubbish? That support was part and parcel of a calculated geopolitical realpolitik of Bismarckian proportion. Ever since the demise of the Soviet Union, the US has been concentrating on gaining the wealth of the Caspian Basin to the detriment of Russia. Hence the idea of a pipeline that would bypass Russia through Turkey to the port of Ceyhan and on to Western Europe. The most logical next leg of the route would be Kosovo and Bosnia, all part of a Yugoslavia that as a whole is Serb and a natural ally of Russia, the very country they needed to bypass in order to satisfy the West’s insatiable appetite for energy without having to depend on Russian goodwill.

    So how does one accomplish that? Simple, dislocate Yugoslavia and make independent countries of the needed parts of it where ethnic minorities become majorities. These new countries would have a natural antipathy towards Russia whom they consider the patron of their former rulers and therefore more inclined to be in the American-Nato sphere of influence. And voila! Everything becomes quite explicable and fall into place.

    Russia has finally become wise to that grand scheme. Let the games begin!!

  5. The Democrats are terrible, and the Republicans may be worse. I couldnt care for the lot of them except for a few members of those parties. Bill Clinton wasnt a good president, but at least his Admin (with a republican congress’ help or hatred of him) didnt spend like a terminal patient with a new credit card. I am tired of having money being dumped into a whole in Iraq, Afghanistan, and some 700 plus bases around the world. I am not here to defend Clinton, some of his policies and actions certainly left fissures that still havent reared their ugly heads, but I am more afraid of Republican militarism due to their use of the Christian Right and the notion that they are more patriotic and supportive of the Troops. You cant tell me that watching those Republican debates (except for the wonderful Ron Paul) arent freakin scary as they try to hypothetically outbomb the other candidates.

    I still believe that almost all of those Republican candidates have no chance against Hillary. However I believe that Ron Paul might have the greatest chance out of all of them if he were to be nominated. I think he would have an easier time of it than in the Republican Primaries. He would carry most of the Republican base who is petrified of Hillary and would siphon many many Independents and Democrats by being more Antiwar than Hillary. Help Us Ron Paul Kenobi, you’re our only hope!

  6. Stanley,

    I do not think the collapse of the Soviet Union was “rapid” as you maintain. For anyone who was watching, the Soviet Union was unraveling for years. US policymakers were too ideologically driven and blinded by their own conceit and arrogance to notice it. Mikhail Gorbachev clealry was making changes in the 1980s that led to that result. What happened was that in 1991 there just was not enough support for the Soviet Union and so it was disbanded. Simple as that. It may have occurred earlier but the threat from CIA-created Islamic terrorists in neighboring Afghanistan kept the USSR together. It can be argued that the mujahedeen kept the USSR together.

    Imagine if the Russians started training a guerrilla army in Mexico with the view to retake California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas, all states taken illegally by force by the US. Imagine the Russians helping the Mexicans get back their lost territory from the evil Gringos. What would we do? Just sit back and watch? No, we would invade and take over Mexico to prevent a takeover. The Russians had to do the same in Afghanistan. They could not let the CIA take over Kabul and have unlimited freedom of movement to spread Islamic terrorism into the Soviet Union. The US would have used the mujahedeen “Freedom Fighters” to infiltrate the USSR and bring about instability in the USSR itself. The USSR could not have allowed this to happen. No country would have.

    I don’t think it brought “disaster” to the Russian people. Just look at what happened when the US-supported Chechen Muslim separatists and Islamic terrorists got a free hand in Russia? They killed hundreds and hundreds of Russian Christian children in the Beslan School Massacre and thousands of Russian civilians in Moscow and elsewhere in Russia. If the USSR did not take on the CIA-created mujahedeen in Afghanistan in the 1980s, there would have been countless Beslans and countless Islamic terrorist attacks. And these attacks would have been all supported and funded by the US. The USSR had no choice but to intervene. Of course, Zbig Brzezinski had his own ulterior motives that had nothing to do with America and Americans. Zbig wanted to help Roman Catholics in Poland and to get Poland into NATO and as part of the US orbit. These were selfish and cynical motives reflecting his Polish animus towards Orthodox Chritians but still do not lessen the strategic threat a CIA presence in Kabul posed in 1979.

    I would argue that the 1990s were a “disaster” for the Russian people when US support for the “oligarchs” and robber barons nearly bankrupted Russia. All the US wanted to see was dead and impoverished Russians. That represented “freedom” and “democracy”.

    The Soviet regime was like any other regime. Look at what the Bush regime is doing in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are causing a genocide. Researchers have found that over a million Muslim civilians have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US wants to see as many dead Muslims as can be achieved. There is no concern shown by US policymakers for the death toll in Iraq. As Justin Raimondo noted, Christopher Hitchens is even calling openly for a genocide of Muslims.

    This is not an issue of Christians versus Muslims. The US policymakers do not care one whit about religion. It is all about power and control. It is a policy of divide et imperia, divide and conquer. The US policymaker does not care whether you are a Muslim, a Christian, a Hindu, or a Buddhist. The only thing that matters is power and exploiting other human beings. Unfortunately for the US, Ossama bin Laden figured this out too.

  7. Bill Clinton brought them to Europe.

    It’s all Clinton’s fault because it was his ambassador: Warren Zimmerman who convinced Izetbegovic to reneg on the Lisbon Aggrement with promises of aid if he did so. It was then Bill Clinton who went back on the promised aid leaving the Bosnian Mulsims to be slaughtered and it was Bill Clinton who refused Thatcher’s entreaties to end the arms boycott of Bosnia forcing the Bosnian to turn to the only people who would help them; Islamist.

    Of course most of this happened before Clinton took office or was even elected but still he’s Bill Clinton so it must be his fault.

  8. Leon A. Walker
    April 1, 2008
    Pensacola, Florida

    Hillary Clinton: Lies Have Short Legs

    Senator Hillary Clinton’s repeated telling of a shocking fabricated and later recanted story of her arrival in a Bosnian combat zone “under sniper fire” is absolutely ghastly. This horrific fabrication is not only a very telling indictment of her credibility and integrity; it reveals a clear vision of a ruthless woman lost in self consumption.

    I have no apprehension for having made the aforementioned scalding comments because two decades ago I myself served. At one point in my career I was a crewmember aboard the carrier “United States Ship Independence”. During my service on that vessel we were required to launch aircraft and drop bombs on the nations of Grenada and Lebanon. Tensions were high and in Lebanon our aircraft were engaged and one was shot down. Through it all I never felt particularly threatened. Why? Because I was an Air Traffic Controller and I sat comfortably in my air conditioned work center, dozens of miles off shore, deep within the skin of a well protected ship. That my fellow Americans, is the maximum extent to which I can embellish these events. Oh wait! When “Battle Stations” were announced, I did have to put on my ball cap and tuck my pants into my socks.

    Now some years later, the First Lady of the United States, flies into Bosnia with her teenaged daughter. As would be procedurally appropriate they got a routine briefing equivalent in significance to: “Hey Hillary, tuck your pants into your socks” followed by an uneventful landing and an informal reception on the tarmac. From these actual routine events, came a tale so outrageous it was nearly tantamount to she, Chelsea and Sinbad slithering across the tarmac cradling rifles with night vision scopes and with bayonets in their teeth. Thank God it was daylight or she might have claimed it was 3:00 AM.

    I can not fully relate to all of the families of those who faced combat, injury or death in Bosnia or the Gulf War or Iraq or any other conflict or police action in recent American History or years prior. Still I know that there have been so many who served under austere and life threatening conditions sacrificed through injury and those who died for this country. So for anyone and in particular a candidate for President of the United States, to manipulate the reality of exposure to, or service in dangerous conflict as she has done is the height of depravity. To attempt to beguile an American public which includes those who are serving, those who have served and those who have sacrificed, all of the families and all fellow citizens is beyond comprehension. What is more, and that which can only be considered the height of gall is, to date I am aware of no apology.

    At fifty four years old I have seen many things. I have a fairly good understanding of politics and the tactics that can make politics both enjoyable and disturbing. I am not however a political junkie so perhaps my memory data banks are some what limited. Still, I can scarcely recall anything so calculated and outrageous in my remembrances of prior political contests.

    I believe this will be the final element in Senator Clinton’s undoing in this political campaign. She had already begun setting the bridges ablaze with her tactics throughout and more recently, the veiled threats to the Democratic Party Leadership were a mistake. Seemingly she and her campaign never figured out that something was changing. She brought the same old script and played the leading role in the same old dreary production of “Washington Politics As Usual”.

    At the end of the day I believe this gifted woman was blinded by dangerous ambition and she lost sight of the real prize. The real prize being the trust and confidence of the American people. Sadly, the American people have a clear vision of that which she never hoped to reveal. The hole in the place where her soul should be.

    Leon A. Walker

    © Leon A. Walker, April 2008 – Approved for use by any recipients, viewers or holders.

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