Scott Horton’s Speech at the University of Texas

Scott Horton’s speech to the Libertarian Longhorns at University of Texas last Monday about war with Iran.

4 thoughts on “Scott Horton’s Speech at the University of Texas”

  1. Extremely astute. I particularly like Horton’s definitive skewering of the farcical neocon claim that Iran intends to nuke (or otherwise violently or militarily) undertake the “destruction of Israel”.

    Horton also has the virtue of exuding good nature and fairness. He makes a good messenger, because he states the case calmly, entertainingly, and without a trace of rancor.

  2. GO LL! They were the first people to introduce me to Ron Paul (back when I was just another Contumacy kid). Glad to hear they’re still fighting the good fight.

  3. Fascinating presentation. Somewhere towards the end of his presentation, he actually raised the prospect, confirmed by Pentagon sources, that the US could actually lose outright if they attacked Iran because of a potential Iraqi Shiite uprising. He also explained that as a main motivating factor in attacking the Mahdi Army. Well given that they haven’t succeeded in defeating the Sadrists, how likely is it, for all the media drum beating and propaganda, that the US will attack Iran without a clear and overwhelming victory against the Sadrists?

  4. Horton also has the virtue of exuding good nature and fairness. He makes a good messenger, because he states the case calmly, entertainingly, and without a trace of rancor.

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