Ouch! Rand Paul Zings Gingrich on Libya, Marriages

While right wingers have been all over the map on the U.S intervention in Libya, flip-flopping and crashing into one another like a bad Laurel and Hardy routine, Rand Paul has found that sticking to one’s principles (in his case, he’s against a new front in the war) makes for a clear head and a relaxed approach. So relaxed he was able to get off a few much deserved zingers at the Congressional Correspondents Dinner last night, according to a retelling and linked video at Think Progress:

PAUL: I was happy to see that Newt Gingrich has staked out a position on the war, a position, or two, or maybe three. I don’t know. I think he has more war positions than he’s had wives. […]


There’s a big debate over there. Fox News can’t decide, what do they love more, bombing the Middle East or bashing the president? It’s like I was over there and there was an anchor going, they were pleading, can’t we do both? Can’t we bomb the Middle East and bash the president at the same time? How are we going to make this work?


Watch the clip:

One thought on “Ouch! Rand Paul Zings Gingrich on Libya, Marriages”

  1. rand is funny….really here is a guy who decries big govt but made bigbucks off them in his old job…most libtards and most red states say they hate big govt but won't give up the teat

    1. Since one is required under threat of legal compulsion to pay into government dole programs, it is not hypocritical to withdraw from them as well; this does not in itself conflict with support for the end or reduction of said programs. Moreover, Rand Paul has never gone so far as to advocate the abolition of Medicare, but only the gradual increase of deductibles and age of eligibility in order to make it financially sound.

    2. You mean in his old job as an ophthalmologist? Other than needing permission from the state to practice his profession (same if you're a barber, electrician, or nail technician LOL) how do you figure he "made big bucks" off the government?

      As for libertarians, you retard (oops, politically incorrect, my bad) it's not a matter of won't give it up, but can't – try to opt out of social insecurity, Medicare, or the school system. Lots of luck, fella.

      1. An ophthalmologist is an MD. The government is a wee bit more involved in the medical profession than in the haircutting profession.

  2. The first thing that I thought about was Karma and how all speech should be charitable. The second thing I thought about was US foreign policy….

  3. Since Gingrich "converted" to Catholicism or rather Opus Dei, the "Catholic" war/money/power cult, his position on wars should be more consistently supportive. Moreover his polygamy is ok with Opus Dei since he's such a distinguished layman (pun intended) and authoritarian fascist.

  4. What I love about Senator Paul is that he can inject humor into an otherwise substantive critique of pseudo-conservatives. When the rest of the Liberty Movement masters this simple tactic…watch out!!!

  5. Why are we still in Araq? Why have we escalated the war in Afganastan? Why are we sending our military to Libia? Looks like Obama is just Bush on steroids. Time to recall. We're not getting what we voted for.

  6. South of the weather for the growth of weeds, where the grass will not format a couple of months they grow quickly, to help me the next time we see more of the old squad leader.

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