Spencer, Geller Smear Giraldi, Paul

by | Aug 8, 2011

The completely dishonest hate and fear Muslims lobby has spent the last few weeks crying their eyes out over all the guilt by association being applied to them by those noticing that the accused mass murderer from the Norway attacks thinks they’re just great [.pdf] and recommends their blogs to you for further “study.”

These are the same people whose entire game is pushing their ridiculous Protocols of the Elders of Islam nonsense that combines all Muslims on earth into an evil aggressor Islamo-fascist caliphate conspiracy of terrorism bent on enslaving us under Sharia law.

And now Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, two of the very worst of these wannabe-Gaffneys, are smearing Antiwar.com writer Philip Giraldi, and by extension, congressman Ron Paul.

Giraldi’s crime? Well, nothing. Just some old time guilt by association is all. This time the hoax/bigot/lunatic site “Veterans Today” reprinted his article “Neo-Cons and Muslim Haters” — about Geller, Spencer et al — which they apparently copy/pasted from the website of the Council for the National Interest, where Giraldi is executive director.

(Giraldi confirmed to me that he has no connection whatsoever with the kooks at “Veterans Today.”)

But Spencer and Geller couldn’t be bothered to find the original post, or they did, but then lied anyway. Giraldi writes for VT, they claimed, so he’s an anti-Semite, and Ron Paul is too since Giraldi has been an adviser to him!

(And what a dummy Phil is, they claimed, for getting the caption wrong, when it was not included in his post at CNIOnline.)

Who cares, why blog it? I don’t know.

Anyway, when I called them out in the comments, they both simply deleted the comments and then banned me.

For the record, here’s the now-deleted comment I wrote on both of their sites:

“All it took was 5 seconds on Google to find that this article was written for the Council for the National Interest, and was simply copy/pasted by the racist-loon site Veterans Today. Giraldi does not write for them, nor did he use that picture in his original. http://www.cnionline.org/neo-cons-and-muslim-haters/ But then again who listens to you but Breivik the mass murderer anyway?”

There. So now you know. Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are dishonest-types.