Only Now Visiting the Scene of the Crime in Kandahar

Army criminal investigators have only now completed their first visit to the crime scene where Staff Sgt. Robert Bales is alleged to have murdered 17 Afghan civilians. They are refusing to make any comment about the evidence they’ve gathered.

This photo gives a small glimpse into what the crime scene used to look like:

See here for a report in which eyewitnesses describe Bales’s violence and claim he did not act alone.

The lawyer representing Bales has recently made public complaints about the U.S. military blocking his own investigation into the case, preventing him from gathering any evidence and from speaking to any of those witnesses.

Some Afghan officials are saying the evidence at the crime scene has been compromised.

3 thoughts on “Only Now Visiting the Scene of the Crime in Kandahar”

  1. The[Army criminal investigators] are refusing to make any comment about the evidence they’ve gathered.

    That's because they haven't gathered any; it has all been erased, contaminated, or compromised.

    Some Afghan officials are saying the evidence at the crime scene has been compromised.

    Are there Pashtun, Dari, and Uzbek equivalents of "Well, DUHHHH!"?

  2. Reminescent of Mai Lai; After the massacre of hundreds of Vietnamese civilians, the perpetrators, Calley and Medina were incarcerated for 3-days. In America, we place little or no value on the lives of others. We often cite "humanitarian intervention" as justification for bombing a country, an act which more often than not, kills innocent civilians. In our "war on terror" is is we who have become the terrorists.

  3. It is very sad news that the American Sergeant has killed seventeen Afghan civilians. I do not understand why these military people are acting like terrorists. The government should do something to stop incidents like this. Thank you

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