It Was Fake: Syrian Boy Braves Sniper Fire to Save Girl Trapped by Barrage of Bullets

by | Nov 11, 2014

UPDATE: It was too good to be true. A Norwegian director has come forward and the story of how the video was promoted have come out: it was staged and shot in Malta.

The original post follows:

The video shows the youngster, about 8 years old, weave his way down a dusty street, dodging bullets to reach a terrified girl cowering behind a car. The boy even plays dead at one point to deceive the sharpshooters, who miss hitting both children as they appear to safely run off.

The video has not been authenticated, and it is puzzling as to who took it, but it does appear authentic. Activists say it’s real, some critics say it is faked. It doesn’t seem fake to me. Either way, it is worth watching.