Syria Safe Zones Declared – Ron Paul asks Will the Killing Finally End?

This morning an agreement was reached at the Syria talks in Astana, Kazakhstan, to set up four “de-escalation” or “safe” zones inside Syria, where moderate rebels would be tolerated but extremists like al-Qaeda and ISIS and their various offshoots would not be tolerated. The Syrian and Russian governments would not conduct military action in such zones. The aim is to reduce the fighting and allow the delivery of humanitarian aid. Will the “moderates” really be able to separate from the extremists and terrorists? That remains to be seen. What will be the US reaction, especially from the neocons? We’ll soon see. Our take on this breaking story in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

3 thoughts on “Syria Safe Zones Declared – Ron Paul asks Will the Killing Finally End?”

  1. Will the killing finally end? Not if the US, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and an assortment of religious lunatics have anything to say about it.

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