Prof. Stephen Cohen Talks to Tucker Carlson on The Real Russia Collusion: Media & Intel Community

4 thoughts on “Prof. Stephen Cohen Talks to Tucker Carlson on The Real Russia Collusion: Media & Intel Community”

  1. It is great that FOX is one of the few MSM which actually mention about the evidence-free claims and have a real expert on the program.

    1. If you had told me 2 years ago that now I’d be going to Fox News for worthwhile analysis and commentary, I would have laughed my ass off. But now – where else are you to go in MSM?

    2. I am grateful to Tuckker Carlson for putting Stephen Cohen on frequently. I am also worried that Tucker may lose his job at FOX for not spewing the Neocon line.

  2. Publish it. It will make an important case study. Thank God all this info is still available to us.

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