Watch Abby Martin’s New Documentary on Great March of Return

by | Aug 19, 2019

Abby Martin and Mike Prysner of the Empire Files teamed up with Palestinian journalists on the ground in Gaza to produce Gaza Fights For Freedom. The documentary covers the Great March of Return protests at the Gaza border that have been going on since March 2018. Martin does an excellent job as the narrator and cuts through the propaganda the mainstream media has been selling on these protests.

The shocking footage shows undeniably that the Israeli Defense Force is guilty of war crimes. Martin goes over specific incidents of children, people with disabilities, journalists and medics all being shot by Israeli snipers.

The documentary is a must watch. The Israel-Palestine issue is reported so one-sided by all the mainstream outlets that voices like Martins and the Palestinians she works with need to be heard. Share this with as many people as you can. US-funded Israeli war crimes need to be exposed. The horrors of the occupation need to be exposed.

The documentary can be purchased or rented on Vimeo here.