6 thoughts on “The Empire Has No Clothes: Biden Bombs Syria”

    1. Biden, like all the presidents before him and many presidents after him, likes to wage economic warfare in addition to physical warfare against enemies and frenemies. Madeline Albright was the Secretary of State under Clinton and said starvation of the Iraqis was a good thing on 60 Minutes. The Media talked much more about Bill’s affair with Monica Lewinsky than about Albright’s comments, Bill’s bombing of a pharmaceutical plant is Sudan and the US and UK bombing Iraq after the Gulf War was officially over.

      1. It is all a show to keep us all distracted while they move onto the next phase of thier plans. Overseas across the pond they call it, “bread and circuses”!

  1. Biden continues to bomb Syria and won’t withdraw troops from Afghanistan and he calls Putin a “killer”!

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