On Ukraine War, Gaetz Gets It… Biden Blew It

Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz introduced a House resolution to end US military and financial aid to Ukraine, co-sponsored by 10 other Republican House members, but not a single Democrat. Nada, zero, zilch. His Ukraine Fatigue Resolution only represents, if passed, the sense of the House having no legal effect on US Ukraine war policy, other than the will of Congress.

Tragically, Joe Biden’s Democratic Party is in lockstep solidarity to continue its newest perpetual war till Ukraine is destroyed. It may even destroy the whole world in World War III. Gaetz referenced that ominous possible ending: "President Joe Biden must have forgotten his prediction from March 2022, suggesting that arming Ukraine with military equipment will escalate the conflict to World War III."

It is not surprising President Biden continues to expand Ukraine’s destruction and the march to Armageddon. He’s spent over half a century promoting US exceptionalism around the world, which is a nice way of saying ‘Our way or perpetual war.’ The one good thing he did was end our 20 year criminal war in Afghanistan. But he’s kept up life destroying sanctions as pay back for the Taliban routing the US and its hopelessly corrupt puppet government.

Biden proclaimed at the Afghan pullout that America was done with perpetual wars, but has continued our other perpetual wars in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and Niger, with no end in sight. Then he spent the next 18 months arming Ukraine in their murderous war on Donbas Ukrainians, and promoting NATO membership for Ukraine. That was the culmination of a decades long proxy war against Russia that made their invasion a year ago virtually inevitable.

Gaetz’ Ukraine Fatigue Resolution has no chance of passage. Most Republicans are in lockstep with all Democrats enamored with a murderous and self-destructive foreign policy that is oblivious to America’s decline as the unipolar world ruler. But besides the Gaetz Ten war fatigue, tens of million Americans are just as tired of America’s perpetual wars, especially one that could go nuclear. All Americans of peace should applaud and support Gaetz’ resolution and demand the rest of Congress and Joe Biden do likewise.

Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at www.heartlandprogressive.blogspot.com.

10 thoughts on “On Ukraine War, Gaetz Gets It… Biden Blew It”

  1. This is the only issue on which Matt Gaetz and people like him makes sense. I wish there were Democrats in the government against aid to Ukraine, the Squad, Ro Khanna, Pramila Jayapal, Barbara Lee and certain other Democrats disappointed me. I thought I could count on them but was wrong.

    1. What took him so long? He was for aid for Ukraine before he was against aid for Ukraine. Plus, he is for Ukraine joining NATO. How would that work out? I’m all for any pushback against our aid to Ukraine but I just can’t believe this isn’t anything other than just political posturing.

    2. The Squad is a bunch of phonies. Its main purpose is to funnel progressives into the Democratic Party where they are neutered. Barbara Lee was great a long time, ago, the sole vote against the U.S. war in Afghanistan, but she’s become just another mainstream Democrat now. Don’t put your hope in any Democrats, you’ll be sorely disappointed. The George McGovern/Dennis Kucinich wing of that party no longer exists, and that was the only faction of the Democratic Party worth supporting.

  2. Feb 17 2023 Hawley Torches ‘Neoconservatives’ And ‘Liberal Globalists’ Over Ukraine, China Policy

    In remarks to the Heritage Foundation yesterday, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) decried mainstream Washington, D.C., foreign policy, calling out their approach to China and Ukraine in particular.


      1. I have zero loyalty to any party or group. I will find commonality where I can find it. We will never find anyone who agrees with us 100%.”, this is just how I roll.

        Political interests can bring together people who otherwise have little in common. This saying is adapted from a line in the play The Tempest, by William Shakespeare: “Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.” It is spoken by a man who has been shipwrecked and finds himself seeking shelter beside a sleeping monster.

        1. I get that. But to say he “torches” US policy by calling out their approach to China and Ukraine suggests that he was against our current policy regarding Ukraine and China. That’s a good thing regarding Ukraine, but his problem with our current China policy is that we aren’t being belligerent enough. and that’s why he’s against that.

  3. The problem with our political class isn’t which side they vote on. It’s the complete lack of a moral and ethical core coupled with cowardice.

  4. Just goes to show, as many of us have said for decades, that Democrats are as bad as Republicans: better on some issues, worse on others like this one. Overall, both parties totally suck.

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