A Neocon Monster: The Ruinous Lies and Crimes of Bill Kristol

Glenn Greenwald on the dark history of Bill Kristol, as well as other neocon warmongers. After leading us into multiple wars under George W. Bush, they have come back to become the heroes of the Democratic Party war party.

4 thoughts on “A Neocon Monster: The Ruinous Lies and Crimes of Bill Kristol”

  1. We get war no matter who is in charge and no matter what party they are from. There is no freedom of the press. AIPAC, the ADL & other pro Zionist entities dictate what the presss says.Bill Kristol & people like him should go to the ICC & be prosecuted for war crimes.

  2. Feb 25, 2023 Rage Against the War Machine Rally


    May 4, 2022 The Neoconservatives Are Setting Up the World for Nuclear War

    A false flag event is not the only avenue to nuclear war. The expansion of NATO to Finland and Sweden is another. Washington is not only pressuring the governments to apply for NATO membership but also is bribing Swedish and Finnish government officials to do so.


  3. Who knew that Ceding the Empire’s Foreign Policy to a Bronze Age Death Cult could lead to the extinction of humanity?

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