Conflicts of Interest: Israel’s Destruction of Gaza Is Preventing Authorities from Counting the Dead

On COI #503, Kyle Anzalone breaks down the latest news about the war on Gaza.

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6 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: Israel’s Destruction of Gaza Is Preventing Authorities from Counting the Dead”

  1. We have this organization called the united nations (small caps on purpose). You would think that the united nations, seeing what is factually genocide, with ethnic cleansing by Israel, the united nations would send forces from each member of the united nations to stop the carnage. Of course, the united nations does not have police powers, just looking powers. And so the united nations will look as Palestinians are starved, forced out of Gaza and into the Sinai desert, killed on their way out. The united nations will pontificate as to how terrible it is/was, then have the members of the united nations provide the most modern tents for Palestinians. All attention of the united nations will then drift away from the Palestinian skeletons turning to dust and blowing away in the Sinai desert, to the prosperous Israelis in Gaza and the West Bank, a model of what nations should be. There will never be conversations about the Palestinians in the largest concentration camp ever. Forgotten. Just forgotten. We have this organizations called the united nations.

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