US Military Hospital “Full” With Iraq Casualties

The current occupation is more dangerous than Operation Iraqi Freedom. The article reads:

    Landstuhl Regional Medical Center is receiving more than twice the number of patients from Operation Iraqi Freedom that it did during the major combat phase of the war.

    An average of 48 patients a day were being treated last week, compared with 22 patients a day in March, said Col. David Rubenstein, who relinquished command of the hospital last week for a new post.

    Of those patients admitted, about 5 percent were combat-related injuries, “although that’s starting to grow a bit,” Rubenstein said last week, referring to continued attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq. During major combat, which officially ended May 1, 40 percent of Landstuhl’s patients had battle injuries.

Liberation and propaganda

From the BBC:

    The US House of Representatives has approved funds for the creation of a radio and television network in the Middle East aimed at promoting American views. “This new network will… greatly contribute to an enhancement of our efforts to combat the misinformation and propaganda that contribute to the rising anti-American sentiment in the region,” said House International Relations Committee Chairman Henry Hyde.

The Road to Hell…

New to ‘The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions’: Jason Leopold:

    Saddam Hussein was an evil dictator who repressed, murdered and tortured his own people. That and that alone was a good enough reason enough to go to war, according to Bush and his cabal of neoconservatives.

    But that’s only true if Iraq proved to be an “imminent” threat. As the old saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Bush may have meant well, but he lied and lied and lied.

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Oldie but goodie

How They Lie: Journalism and the Art of Fiction: Justin Raimondo:

    The growing tendency of so much of the “news” – especially international reporting – to be pure fiction designed to arouse emotions rather than impart information, is a development that may not be recent, but certainly it has gotten more brazen. I don’t know whether that represents a growing carelessness on the part of the War Party, or else an assumption that their readers have been so dumbed down that it hardly matters.

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