Why do Bush-boosting, pro-war Americans especially seem to find it impossible to imagine walking in another's shoes? Via Jim Henley and Patrick Nielsen Hayden, you'll recognize the typically American Bushie right-winger attitude in the following Al Jazeera post:...
Najaf mob tries to assassinate Allawi with shoes?
Who to believe? Here's Allawi's account: Iraq's former prime minister Iyad Allawi said gunmen tried to assassinate him in Shi'ite Islam's holiest shrine on Sunday, forcing him to cut short an election campaign visit pursued by an angry mob. "It appeared to be an...
Propagandists in Pajamas?
Hey, I'm not saying Tony's necessarily completely right about this - now im not saying that Charles Johnson and Roger L. Simon are in bed with the Bush Administration, or the Instapundit. those guys are fair and balanced. any time the Republicans make horrible...
Fire Rumsfeld
The Cunning Realist makes the timely argument, working from this Rumsfeldian "epiphany." Read the whole thing, but here's a quote:" For Rumsfeld to try to wish away an overwhelmingly indigenous resistance as if it were no more than a stray...
Warbloggers: suckers for the “MSM”
Arthur Silber on the warblogger pile-on to the scurrilous attack on Jimmy Massey's credibility by St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter Ron "Embedded" Harris. (and welcome back Arthur, you were missed.) From the AWC blog archives, here's Scott Horton on his interview with...
Judy Miller “retires” from the NYT
UPDATE: Judy, Judy, Judy, looking for hits already! Here's Judy Miller's "Farewell Letter" and embedded within it is a link to her website, all stocked and ready to go with rebuttals to everyone who's been mean to her lately. Judith Miller retires from New...
“Enemy combatants” and welcoming Chalabi
From TalkLeft: Breaking: Senator Lindsay Graham is introducing an Amendment to the defense appropriations bill pending in the Senate (S. 1092) that would strip those designated by the Administration as enemy combatants of the ability to seek habeas review in federal...
Subpoena the Hero in Error
Josh Marshall posts:Someone was willing to say it: Chalabi deserves a subpoena, not photo-ops with administration bigwigs. See Rep. Miller's (D-CA) speech on the floor of the House just yesterday.Yeah, well, I said it first.
Republican implosion over torture gulags
An interesting torture story developing today. From publius:According to Drudge (always a shaky way to start), Frist and Hastert are going to announce an investigation not into our mini-gulag in Eastern Europe, but into the leak of the black sites to the Post. This is...
“We” do not torture
We do not torture...George W. Bush We don’t do torture....Porter Goss I guess it depends on the meaning of "we." A DEADLY INTERROGATION by JANE MAYER Can the C.I.A. legally kill a prisoner?