You’re Not Helping Ukraine

I’ve been told on social media that the only thing that needs to be written or said about the Russian-Ukrainian war is how bad Russia’s aggression is, and that it’s feting Vladimir Putin if I write about the expansion of NATO and the CIA coup in Ukraine (2014) and coup attempt in Belarus (2021) as provocations toward the war.

But I don’t write about things people already know. That’s boring. You can find out about Russian aggression on every corporate media broadcast, on every corporate media channel, and every establishment politician’s lips. I write and meme about things people don’t know and need to know.

The official narrative is also boring because it’s historically repetitive.

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On the Life of William Norman Grigg

One of the greatest joys of my life was being able to work right next to William Norman Grigg at The New American magazine from 1994-2001 in Appleton, Wisconsin. I had been one of the staffers who had moved out from Belmont, Massachusetts to Appleton in 1989, and he was quickly added to the magazine’s staff after some brilliantly-written columns in 1993.

"Thesaurus Rex," as he was sometimes called in Appleton, wrote for the internal newsletter of the company we called "The Insider Report" with a wit and vocabulary that made everyone in the office belly laugh. Hardly any of his satiric wit made it into the print magazine, because the style of the magazine at the time was to limit satire. But it was a joy to read, and I’m richer for having access to it. Much of my own writing style is a pale shadow of Will Grigg’s thundering style of prose.

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