Brits to Ukraine: Get Ready for More Cancer and Birth Defects

The UK has a novel way to help Ukraine in their lost cause to retain Crimea and the Donbas from Russia. Get ready for this: depleted uranium shells. These ‘tank killers’ will be provided along with the Brits’ Challenger 2 tanks.

Problem is these tank killers are also Ukrainian people killers. Because these armor piercing shells contain radioactive depleted uranium, their use causes birth defects and cancer. Just ask the Iraqis who are still suffering high levels of both 20 years after their grotesque use by Uncle Sam in Iraq. British deputy defense minister Annabel Goldie poo-pooed the worry about killing civilians saying, “Such rounds are highly effective defeating tanks and armored vehicles”. Goldie, however, is not likely to ever visit Ukraine after the war. Wouldn’t be prudent with all that British depleted Uranium lying around.

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For Second Time, US Seeks To Sabotage a Russo-Ukraine Negotiated Peace

As Ukraine sinks into collapse from Russia’s invasion the US provoked, the death and destruction has made no dent on Uncle Sam’s inhumane conscience.

A year ago when NATO member Turkey neared a 15 point negotiated settlement, the US and UK each sent a top official to Kyiv not to request, but demand that Ukraine President Zelensky walk away to keep fighting. That grotesque demand led to over 100,000 unnecessary Ukraine deaths over the next year. A third of the Ukraine economy vanished. Six million left Ukraine and another six million relocated.

The US didn’t blow up a negotiated peace to inflict this carnage on Ukraine. They simply wanted, in the words of US war emissary, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, to keep the war going to “weaken Russia.” That was an abomination that should shame every peace loving American.

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20 Years On, US Still Waging Perpetual War Worldwide

Twenty years ago, March 19, 2003, the US launched likely the most vicious criminal war in its long history of senseless warfare and regime change. America attacked Iraq, not just with no evidence supporting invasion, but manufactured lies. Hundreds of thousands were killed based on those lies.

The government propaganda was flag waving and relentless. This war was enabled by the 911 attacks which fueled US lust to remake the entire Middle East in its image. Corporate media rolled over to support a war they knew was unjustified. MSNBC fired popular host Phil Donahue because he dared tell the truth about US criminality. No antiwar advocate was given a public voice.

It came just 17 months after the initial criminal war to begin Middle East dominance in Afghanistan. The real prize of US conquest was Iran. A famous propaganda line was that the road to Iran runs from Afghanistan through Iraq and Syria. We waged warfare against all four in attacks large and small. By some miracle of restraint we have not yet launched all out war against Iran.

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Is Sen. Duckworth Taking ‘Hard Look’ at Pushing WWIII With F-16 Letter?

My IL Senator Tammy Duckworth signed on to a bi-partisan letter to President Biden promoting possible US F-16’s to fight in our proxy war against Russia destroying Ukraine.

"After speaking with US, Ukrainian, and foreign leaders working to support Ukraine at the Munich Security Conference last month, we believe the US needs to take a hard look at providing F-16 aircraft to Ukraine."

Duckworth joined 4 other Democrats and 3 Republicans in welcoming a frightening escalation in the war that could possibly lead to all out nuclear confrontation with Russia.

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US Brokers War; China Brokers Peace – Who’s Winning the 21st Century?

A seismic shift in world power politics occurred March 10. But the US government and its compliant corporate media largely yawned, ignored it and moved on.

Five days ago Iran and Saudi Arabia announced they were reestablishing diplomatic relations, ending their 7 year long diplomatic estrangement. This represents a huge development toward possible peace in the Middle East between the 2 largest rival powers, Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shiite Iran.

But it’s not just possible Middle East peace that’s significant. The deal was not brokered by the US, which invariably controls Middle East political developments, but China. In one historic move, China has essentially replaced the US as the dominant Middle East power broker.

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US Schools Need To Teach Kids About Proxy War

The Russo Ukraine war has brought up a concept sorely lacking in the American vocabulary: Proxy War.

Most folks are familiar with the word proxy. Ask and they might respond “Oh yes, like when I sign over my right to vote stock shares to another who votes as my proxy.” But throw in “war” after “proxy” and you’ll likely get an eye roll.

Given how prevalent US reliance on proxy war has become in foreign policy, ignorance of proxy war has a debilitating effect on an informed electorate crucial to fostering a peaceful world.

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