Kamala Harris Continues Support for Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza

Over 40,000 dead with thousands more buried under the rubble from tens of thousands of US bombs in Gaza has made no dent on Kamala Harris’s conscience. Nor has a death toll predicted by the UK medical journal Lancet that upwards of 185,000 will soon be dead from disease, starvation to go along with endless US weapons of civilian destruction in the most grisly genocidal ethnic cleansing this century.

Of course, Harris has more sense than to cheer on the Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Here campaign frames her support this way: “Harris has been clear: she will always work to ensure Israel is able to defend itself against Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups”. She claims to be troubled by the suffering caused by endless US bombs there, but refuses to support an embargo on genocide weapons.

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Why No Hollywood Movie on Nagasaki Atomic Bombing?

In the 1952 movie Above and Beyond, movie idol Robert Taylor played handsome Col. Paul Tibbetts, straight out of Central Casting, who piloted his B-29 Enola Gay to drop the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima 79 years tomorrow. We all grew up in awe of Tibbetts, Enola Gay and the perfect mission which incinerated Hiroshima from the first A Bomb dropped in anger. My awe eventually turned to revulsion from a horrendous, senseless war crime.

But who piloted what plane that dropped the second A Bomb on Nagasaki just 3 days later? The American Story has largely erased the saga of the Nagasaki mission for good reason. It was a colossal screw up that almost got the pilot court martialed; indeed, nearly detonated Fat Man over the Pacific en route.

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Chicago Tribune’s Criticism of Putin’s North Korea Visit Unfortunate on Several Levels

For starters, the editorial ‘Mr. Putin goes to Pyongyang and we don’t like that show’ is filled with hyperbolic anti Putin rhetoric. Instead of relying on an esteemed political scientist to analyze Putin’s psyche, the Trib quotes the dramatist of ‘The Crown’ who sees Putin as “an obscure deputy mayor of St. Petersburg who rose up to be an unreconstructed thug.” That adds no value to understanding one of the most influential world leaders who is currently running diplomatic rings around President Biden. His leadership in both the non-aligned Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS, together containing many nonaligned nations comprising over half the world’s population, spells the approaching end to US unipolar world dominance.

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US to Palestinians: ‘Tighten Your Belts, Our Food Pier Is Still 2 Months Away’

US ships heading toward Gaza to build America’s food delivering pier are sputtering along at 10 to 15 knots. The USVA Gen. Frank Besson Jr. has been refueling in the Azores since Friday. Once underway it still has 5,000 miles to traverse before reaching destination. All other ships are behind the Besson, with 2 not having left the US yet.

With starvation rampant in Gaza, thanks to US enabling the Israeli genocide there, Uncle Sam sure is taking his sweet time creating infrastructure to deliver food aid. It won’t do much good even if completed since Israel blocks most aid in entering Gaza. Might be that our benevolent Uncle is giving Israel time to complete their genocidal ethnic cleansing so we can just pack up and go home.

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Niger Finds Itself Trapped in America’s Foreign Policy Roach Motel

Does even one American in hundred, make that one in a thousand, possibly one in a million, feel we must be involved militarily in Niger? I doubt it. But the U.S. military, from Commander In Chief Joe Biden on down, certainly do. He’s got 1,000 troops in Niger. The new Niger government wants them out.

US presence in Niger goes back to 2013. Authorized by President Obama, it has continued under both Trump and Biden. In 2015, 4 US troops were killed in an ambush. It made no dent in Obama’s foreign policy acquiescing in every cockamamie intervention the military demands.

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Karma: After US Vetoes 3 Good UN Ceasefire Resolutions, Its Bad Ceasefire Resolution Vetoed

The US watered down ceasefire resolution in Gaza failed to pass when the UN Security Council vetoed it. China, Russia and Algeria all cast vetoes compared to America’s lone veto in 3 previous non US sponsored ceasefire resolutions.

Why “watered down”?

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