A Poem for Gaza

Shireen she was a martyr She died for our sins Some people want the dirt so bad That’s how it all begins One side says to the other I need what you got If you don’t give it up I’ll shoot you on the spot If we don’t learn nothin’ We will never stop the rain If we don’t...

Pittsburgh Speech on the Israel-Palestine Crisis

Last Friday night I gave a speech to the Libertarian Party Mises Caucus in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania about conflict in Israel-Palestine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVlFBflw7bU Correction: I misspoke at 9:00~ when I said they sank the Liberty. They only damaged it...

This Morning On Antiwar Radio

If you missed the Sunday morning live show, check the archives soon at scotthorton.org for this interview. Sheldon Richman on Trump's horrible "Vision" for Palestine. 8:30 Pacific, 90.7 FM, KPFK in L.A. kpfk.org.

Israel and Palestine: A Reexamination

Check out this great interview of Sheldon Richman about his new book Coming to Palestine on the Tom Woods show.In this incredible volume of essays, collected over 30 years, Sheldon Richman exposes the true history of Israeli dispossession of the Palestinians. Coming...

The Lobby — USA

In case you missed it... Via the human rights activists at Electronic Intifada, an incredible -- long-suppressed -- piece of hidden camera investigative journalism by Al Jazeera: "The Lobby -- USA." Watch all four parts below:...