Michael Kirk

The Current Iraqi Endgame and Some of the Earlier Ones


Micheal Kirk, producer for PBS Frontline, discusses his new documentary, Endgame, explains that Rumsfeld wanted for the U.S. to leave Iraq almost immediately after the invasion, and some of the various ad hoc “endgames” to get our troops out since 2003.

MP3 here. (8:39)

Kirk, a former Nieman Fellow in Journalism at Harvard, was Frontline’s senior producer from 1983 to 1987, and has produced more than 100 national television programs.

Gareth Porter

Cheney Lies About Iran


Journalist and historian Gareth Porter debunks the lies of Dick Cheney regarding Iranian involvement in sending weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan, AIPAC and the American Warfare State and the danger of instability in Pakistani nukes falling into the hands of the crazies.

MP3 here.

Gareth Porter is a historian and journalist for InterPress Service. His latest book is Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam (University of California Press).

House Vote on Condemning Ahmadinejad

This afternoon the House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to urge the United Nations to indict the President of Iran for inciting genocide. The charge is over a disproven allegation (based on a mistranslation) that Ahmadinejad was called for the destruction of Israel.

Only two members of the House voted against the resolution, Republican Ron Paul and Democrat Dennis Kucinich. Eleven members voted “present” indicating a weak opposition. Usually-consistently-antiwar Rep. Barbara Lee supported the hawks in this vote.

Becky Akers

“Drop the Sippy Cup Lady! Drop It!”


Becky Akers, who regularly defends liberty from the pages of LewRockwell.com, discusses the national government’s Transportation Security Administration Nazis and their regular abuse of the rights and dignity of the American people.

MP3 here. (53:34)

Becky Akers writes for LewRockwell.com and is writing a book about the TSA.

Don Craven Jr., Ray Mcgovern

World War IV: A Letter to the President


Don Craven, director of the new film World War IV: A Letter to the President, and Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst featured in the movie, discuss the film and some of the themes within it: The neocons and the Israel Lobby, the lies regarding the “weapons of mass destruction” that led to war, the role of Christian Zionists in the War Party, Michael Ledeen’s admission of war crimes and possible consequences of war with Iran.

MP3 here.

Don Craven is a Texas businessman and former Bush campaign donor turned documentary film maker.

Ray McGovern is a retired CIA analyst of 27 years.