A New Cold War With Russia?

Senator Richard Lugar (R-Indiana), a major power when it comes to forging our “bipartisan” foreign policy of global meddling, thinks we are at “war” — “energy war” — with Russia. Over at Dailykos.com, Jérôme Guillet, a Paris-based banker and an authority on Gazprom’s business practices, debunks the “war” hysteria generated by Lugar and his warmongering confreres over at the War Street Journal and the Washington Post. A snippet:

I am sure that a lot of people would be surprised to learn that market driven price increases are “predatory”. Let’s all remember that the issue is that these countries are getting gas at subsidized prices – because Russia chooses to do so in exchange for political advantage. If it feels that it is not getting the political gains it was seeking or expecting, why would it be abnormal to switch back to market conditions? Actually, papers like the WaPo or the WSJ, if they were consistent (yeah, I know…) should berate Georgia and Azerbaijan for selling out politically to Russia for market-distorting, and fleeting, benefits. Paying the market price for gas sends the proper signal to their consumers and investors, and increasing prices will lead, by market mechanisms, to lower gas demand and a better allocation of resources. Right? So why argue that these countries should get subsidized gas? From Russia?

How odd that a writer for a left-progressive site, such as Kos, would understand the market processes of Russian energy production, and its implications, far better than some alleged “libertarians,” such as Andrei Illarionov of the Cato Institute, who, together with Robert Amsterdam — a shill for Russian oligarch-gangster Mikhail Khodorkovsky — describes Putin’s Russia as a “new kind” of state, i.e. a “threat” along the lines suggested by Sen. Lugar.  

The First Time As Tragedy…

The Army Times reports:

The Center for American Progress proposed Wednesday to have a diplomatic rather than military surge in Iraq, and urged the new Democrat-controlled Congress to demand another vote authorizing military operations in Iraq if the number of U.S. troops will exceeds 150,000.

Hmmmm…. What would a vote to reauthorize the invasion and occupation of Iraq mean, concretely? Will the Democrats take back their previous votes in favor?

Well, not exactly. Lawrence Korb, a Reagan era defense official, who worked on the Center’s proposal, suggests a cap on troops to be mobilized from the reserves. Here is the perfect set-up for the promulgation of a myth that we could have “won” if only our hands hadn’t been tied by meddling politicians. Korb’s idea lock sus into the conflict, hands a powerful rhetorical weapon to the War Party — and only underscores the impracticality of any “exit strategy” short of exiting forthwith and completely.

The New Meaning of “Multilateralism”

The Empire is in such dire need of new centurions that, as the Boston Globe reports, the Pentagon may go international in its recruiting methods [hat tip: Lew Rockwell]:

The armed forces, already struggling to meet recruiting goals, are considering expanding the number of noncitizens in the ranks — including disputed proposals to open recruiting stations overseas and putting more immigrants on a faster track to US citizenship if they volunteer — according to Pentagon officials.

Which brings to mind this passage from Gibbon‘s History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:

The warlike states of antiquity, Greece, Macedonia, and Rome, educated a race of soldiers; exercised their bodies, disciplined their courage, multiplied their forces by regular evolutions, and converted the iron which they possessed into strong and serviceable weapons. But this superiority insensibly declined with their laws and manners; and the feeble policy of Constantine and his successors armed and instructed, for the ruin of the empire, the rude valour of the Barbarian mercenaries.

History really is the endless repetition of the same mistakes. But then again, they probably don’t teach Gibbon in the schools anymore, do they? In any event, this latest development gives a whole new meaning to “multilateralism.”

A Christmas Card — from Satan

Reading this little news item is the equivalent of getting a Christmas card from the War Party. Read it, and weep.:

A man who authorities believe was an Army Reservist just called up to serve in Iraq was fatally shot by police today after a standoff that began Christmas night…. Dean’s family contacted police Monday night, saying he was armed and threatening to kill himself, the sheriff said. Dean later told police he would shoot anyone who entered the house.

Dean was despondent about several things, including recent orders for him to go to Iraq, the family told authorities. Dean had returned in 2005 from a year-and-a-half tour in Afghanistan. Cameron did not know what reserve unit Dean served in…. About noon, while police were preparing to use gas, Dean came out the front door and pointed his weapon at police, Cameron said. At that point, a deputy shot Dean once, killing him.

Is this what they mean when they say our military iis “broken“? Well, then, so is this family, along with god knows how many others. 

Who, Me? — A Liberal?

A conservative blogger comments on my recent column on the Litvinenko affair:

It has become a very strange time indeed when I find myself in complete agreement with an anti-war liberal. In this case it is on the Litvinenko incident, and the argument laid out is an excellent synopsis of my posts on this matter. My impression of liberals has been inching upward recently, as I see clear examples of independent thinking and not accepting the PR that issues out of the mainstream media. This is a good sign to me that everyone is breaking their mental shackles that tie them to the error prone media giants.

Independent thinking isn’t the monopoly of any particular political persuasion — but, in any event, who is he calling a “liberal“?

Cole on Ford

Worth reading — Juan Cole on Gerald Ford’s foreign policy. An excerpt:

All presidents make errors, and some abuses occurred on Ford’s watch, though they often were initiated by Kissinger. But Ford faced with no illusions the challenges of his era, of detente with the Soviet Union, continued attempts to cultivate China, the collapse of Indochina, the fall-out of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, and the beginnings of the Lebanese Civil War. Ford was right about detente, right about China, right about Arab-Israeli peace, right about avoiding a big entanglement in Angola, right to worry about nuclear proliferation (one of his worries was the increasing evidence that the Middle East had a nuclear power, Israel, and India was moving in that direction).