Glenn Reynolds Responds

From: Glenn Reynolds

I’ve been following that story for a long time. Just search “zeyad”
in my search engine.

Antiwar either knows this, and is trolling, or is a bunch of idiots.
Or both.

My reply:

You have not commented on the post linked to, in which Zeyad complains about the reception of such news in America. I put a link to your earlier post, and a link to a Google cache of all your posts on Zeyad. By the way, Professor, I don’t recall any mention on your site of Zeyad’s rape-all-the-Sunnis diatribe. Perhaps you could point me to it.

Matt Barganier

Update/Note: By “put a link,” I mean to say that those links were included in the original post. I did NOT add them after the response from Reynolds.

Possible Motive Behind Ricin Letters?

In my years of politics, I have heard from many Capitol Hill staffers that Congressmembers hate constituent mail.

Is it possible that someone has found a solution? I tend not to be much of a conspiracy theorist, but I had been wondering about possible motives behind the ricin letters.

Whatever the motive, it appears that writing letters to your congressional representative may soon become a thing of the past. Of course, there is still email, although most of Congress has been ignoring email for years.