In Case You Missed It

From Fox News:

    Iraq Homicide Rate 10 Times New York City’s

    BAGHDAD, Iraq — More than 5,500 Iraqis died violently in just Baghdad and three provinces in the first 12 months of the occupation, an Associated Press survey found. The toll from both criminal and political violence ran dramatically higher than violent deaths before the war, according to statistics from morgues.

    There are no reliable figures for places like Fallujah and Najaf that have seen surges in fighting since early April.

    Indeed, there is no precise count for Iraq as a whole on how many people have been killed, nor is there a breakdown of deaths caused by the different sorts of attacks. The U.S. military, the occupation authority and Iraqi government agencies say they don’t have the ability to track civilian deaths.

    But the AP survey of morgues in Baghdad and the provinces of Karbala, Kirkuk and Tikrit found 5,558 violent deaths recorded from May 1, 2003, when President Bush declared an end to major combat operations, to April 30. Officials at morgues for three more of Iraq’s 18 provinces either didn’t have numbers or declined to release them.

    The AP’s survey was not a comprehensive compilation of the nationwide death toll, but was a sampling intended to assess the levels of violence. Figures for violent deaths in the months before the war showed a far lower rate.

It goes on to recite the requisite blather about how things are still better than they were–y’know, getting blown up by an American or insurgent bomb is much better than getting shot by the Mukhabarat–but interesting nonetheless.